Girl Chat/ Apologies

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*Savannah pov*

When Grace comes back from Charlie and Owens apartment we greet her. "Hey. Why are you back so early?". "I. Uhmm.... didn't have-". "Are you okay?" Caro asks. Its clear to see somethings bothering her. "Um yah. Just hungry. Let's go to Starbucks.".

"Uhh okay. Sure." Tori says. We all get into the car and go to Starbucks. G runs in and gets our drinks.

*Grace pov*

I know the girls are suspicious. I didn't plan to hang out with them. I didn't even know Mads,Jadah, Caro, and Tori were stopping by. I just wanted to go home and cry.

I went in Starbucks by myself. I just want to be alone right now. I get the drinks and walk out to the car.

"Do yall wanna go to that picnic area on the trail?" I ask. I need to think. I need fresh air. I just need to be outside. "Ooo yah that will be fun." Mad says.

Once were at the park, we start eating. "Are you okay?" Jadah asks. I look up from my drink to see all the girls staring at me. "Yah. I'm fine. Why?". "I don't know you seem like somethings bothering you." Tori states.

"No. No. I'm fine.". "Okay." Mad nods hesitantly. "Sooo. You and Owen?" Caro smirks. This is the last thing I want to talk about. "Noooo. Let's talk about you and Charlie." Tori says. "Yah I saw that dance. You got lost in his eyes." Jadah smiles. "No. No. No. Absolutely not. You and Owen have had chemistry ever since I met you on Knight Squad. And probably long before that." Savannah has always been trying to set Owen up with me. He says that all she ever talked about on set. "I don't know who to ship you with. It looks like you got yourself in a love triangle girl.". How Madi knows that...I have no clue.

"I don't like either of them like that." I say quietly. "Oh so you're saying you don't love every little thing Owen does. How he's always been there for you?" Caro asks. "Or the way you look in Charlie's eyes when you dance. You practically were lost." Tori says. "Oh don't forget how Charlie held onto you after Kenny yelled cut.".

Thats when I broke. I started balling. I tried to stop the tears but it was useless. "Whats wrong?" Caro asks. Worry was evident in her voice. "If its because we ship you, we can stop if it bothers you this much." Jadah says.

"No it's not that. I..I" thats when a new batch of tears came. The girls all pulled me into a hug. "Whats wrong honey?" Savannah says softly. "I love both of them...... and I don't know which one I want.". I see Jadah and Mads eyes widen.

"I just...I don't know what to do. I can't choose one. They're both so great.". "Well. What are some things you like about Owen?" Tori asks. It wasnt sarcastic or teasing. She actually wanted to know. "Owen's great. He is always there when I need him. We are always on the same page. He was my moon and I was his stars. He encouraged me. He helped me with my anxiety and acting and ....well everything.". "He's...perfect" I wisper.

The tears start slowing down. It feels so good to talk to someone about this. "And what about Charlie?" Mads ask after a few minutes. "Well Charlie has been so kind ever since I met him. He's a sweetheart. He is really fun to hang out with and is super weird, but in a good way. He went off on Owen when he hurt me an-" I was interrupted by shock faces and a very angry Savannah. "He hurt you?".

"Oh no no no. Not like that.". I explained the whole story. How Owen has been ignoring me. How I've been hanging out with Charlie. I even told them about how Owen said he didn't want to be my friend anymore.

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