Chapter Sixx - Mutherfucker of the Year

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This is a long chapter. I added a lot of dialogue to the completed original version. It's long enough to be divided into two, but I didn't want to interrupt the flow of the day's events, which take place.

Due to the lengthiness of this chapter and some unexpected events that came up, my beta reader was only able to proofread about 75% of the chapter.

This might be my favorite chapter of the book. I enjoyed writing it. I like the dynamics and dialogue between Nikki & Mick and Tommy & Jon. That said, yes, Tommy continues on with his poor behavior. You'll probably hate some of what's unfolding. But, I do hope you enjoy the read. There's a ton of pictures throughout.

There a special gem included in this chapter for my most consistent, long-standing reader and commenter, WestHamBabe. You may enjoy a few other lines in the chapter, but you will know without a doubt when you see your little gift. Enjoy.


Nikki woke up for the second time that day. The phone was ringing, and there was no extension in the guest room where he'd been sleeping. Fuck it, the machine will pick up. His head still hurt. As a matter of fact, he thought that his head hadn't stopped hurting since he and Tommy got into it about the baby. Those aches and pains seemed to just be his new norm.

Nikki sat up, with his legs hanging off the side of the bed. He realized that he was still in the same clothes that he wore to the party last night. Not at all the type of clothes that were comfortable for sleeping, lounging, and pondering one's shithole of a life.

He vaguely remembered asking Tommy to go hiking with him earlier in the day. He didn't know what he was thinking. It was just another futile attempt to try to bond with Tommy, met with failure. He wasn't going to hike. He'd have been too tempted to just get lost out in the wilderness. Nikki got up, and shed his stifling clothes for something more comfortable. He stepped out of the bedroom. The house seemed quiet. The master bedroom door was open, and Tommy wasn't there. Upon a quick inspection of the rest of the premises, he wasn't anywhere, inside or outside. He was gone, without a word.

Nikki remembered that someone had just tried to call about 15 minutes earlier. Maybe it was Tommy. He played the message. It was Mick, asking if he felt better. Nikki had a very vague, blurry memory about calling Mick last night. He thought maybe he did, anyway he called him back.

"Hello?" Mick answered.

"Morning, Mick. Did I call you last night?" Nikki asked.

"Yeah, you did. I can't stand your fucking, drunken late night calls."

"Oh, shit. I'm sorry. I guess--"

"Eh, it's OK, pal. But, going forward, I'm going to come over there and put blaring labels on each of your phone receivers that have my name within a red, circular prohibited symbol. It will remind you not to call me at 2 am when you're drunk."

"I suppose that I just needed to talk."

"If you call it that. Did Tommy come home last night?"

"Yeah. But I don't know when.... I passed out. He was here when I woke up this morning, but now he's gone again. I don't know where he went," Nikki sighed.

"Did you always know where he was going everytime he walked out the door?" Mick asked.

"Believe it or not. Most of the time, yes. He's doing this to hurt me."

"Nikki, why don't you go out somewhere. Get some vitamin D from the sunshine. You need a distraction."

"I thought about going for a hike, but it's getting too late to go. I don't have the energy and I just don't care."

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