Always Right

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Bucky and I spent the night watching 80's movies. We started with Karate Kid, than moved to the Breakfast Club and Back to the Future, and finally finished with Top Gun. As we watched the movies I snuggled into Bucky's chest and he wrapped his arms around me. Halfway through I got cold so he gave me his sweatshirt and covered me in blankets.
He looked down at me all cozied up.
"Well don't you look cute," he said with a grin.
"I'm keeping this sweatshirt, I don't think you'll ever get it back." I returned the smile
"Good," his eyes grew soft "it looks better on you anyway."
When we finally finished the movies I could tell he was impressed.
"I told you smiles, the 80's are the best!" I snuggled into him more
"What can I say doll, you were right."
"I'm always right!" I said mischievously
He pushed me up and I straddled him, wrapping my arms around his neck.
"Is that so?" He said looking at my lips
"Yes it is James."
He put his hand on the back of my neck and pulled me into a kiss. It wasn't our normal sweet kiss, it was more passionate and lustful. He bit my bottom lip which drove me crazy. His lips moved down to my neck.
"Getting comfortable are we Barnes?" I said as he kissed my jawline
"Don't worry doll," he said between kisses "just trying to keep you awake."
"Well your definitely waking me up!"
He brought his lips back to mine for one last final kiss
"Good" he said smirking "because I remember the agreement being that if I watch your movies, you watch mine."
I fell back onto the pillows
"Ugh, fine" I could tell he was amused by my   attitude "that was mean you know, teasing me like that"
"Teasing?" He smiled "I didn't know you liked it so much."
He spoke in a playful tone causing me to hit him with a pillow. He laughed and than grabbed me, making snuggle him again. He covered us in blankets and put on some boring movie I don't even remember the name of. I closed my eyes and was starting to drift when Bucky started speaking. He thought I was completely asleep.
"What have you done to me doll?" He whispered as he moved hair from my face "I never thought I'd feel like this after everything but somehow . . . Somehow you bring out the best in me. God, I never expected to get all mushy about a girl, yet here I am."
He kissed the top of my head and fell asleep.

____________________________________Sorry I haven't posted in a while, the holidays were crazy! Thanks for reading!❤️
TikTok: _marvel_zodiacs_

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