Chapter 10 : The Color of Love

Start from the beginning

Hope had her hands up against the marble wall as her rainfall shower washed over her entire body head to toe. Once Jed gets here we will finish the proposal for the new project then after that I will never work on family vacation ever again. I will never work late hours, and I'll spend actual quality time with each of my girls. Hope muttered to herself trying to give herself some reassurance that everything was going to work out at the end. It always had. They had a whole month left of their vacation. A bit of work shouldn't be so bad. When Josie helped Hope with her work they finished it in record time.

But then her mind began to wander, drifting to the unsettling thoughts that had been plaguing her in recent days.

The note.

The doll.

The mysterious figure lurking in the shadows.

Try as she might, Hope couldn't shake the feeling of unease that enveloped her whenever these thoughts surfaced. At first, she had managed to push them to the back of her mind, dismissing them as nothing more than fleeting paranoia. But now, with the night stretching out before her and no distractions to occupy her thoughts, they returned with a vengeance.

"She's not stupid to come back and do something" Hope said to herself. "but what if" hope let out a sigh.

Penelope was getting to her.

And if it wasn't one thing it was another, then another, and so much that it drove Hope insane. For once she just wanted to forget the world. For once she wanted to spend time with her family without having to think about work or a stupid, jealous, bitter person trying to take her wife away.

The more Hope thought about the situation, the angrier she got. The more she wanted to take something, anything and throw it, just to take her anger out. But she couldn't. Not now anyways.

Her wife, and daughters were in the bedroom. Sleeping.

She didn't want to worry Josie.

After getting mad about work, Hope could only assume Josie's reaction about Penelope wouldn't be to good.

So instead she thought about Josie. Her wife. The only person that just by the simple thought can calm every part of her body, relaxing and letting go of everything that was on her mind before.

Hope rinsed the shampoo from her hair and tried not to think about how long it might have been since Josie and Hope actually had alone time just the two of them. Or imagine her sinking to her knees and calling out her name in that sultry voice of hers. She prayed her kids didn't sleep in their bedroom tonight. It was going to be hard enough to keep the blood from rushing through her body the minute she lay down next to Josie in that bed. When Hope was designing this house she specifically requested for her bedroom to be sound proof for obvious reason. Hope turned off the water drying her body with her towel. She threw on a pair of shorts and a tank top on walking out of the bathroom.

Hope saw Josie still reading however her girls were now sound asleep. Hope climbed onto her side of the bed, resting her head on the pillow, and wrapped her arm protectively over Aj who was now in the middle of both mothers.

"I tried to keep them awake for as long as possible so you could say goodnight but they fell asleep while I was reading to them" Josie said kindly putting her iPad onto the nightstand. She clapped her hands twice making the lights in the room turn off. "Aj still thinks I have some magic powers" Josie laughed getting comfortable in her bed. Hope found her way to Josies hand and interlocking the fingers together. "Goodnight babe" Josie whispered.

"Goodnight my love"


Hope didn't know what time it was when she woke up, but the knee wedged between her legs belonged unmistakably to Josie. She also felt a weight on her face, arms and legs draped over her. Aj literally cuddling hopes head. She removed Ajs limbs from her to get her daughter in a more comfortable position but Josie had completely taken over her spot.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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