Launchpad X Reader

386 17 3

Y/n Point Of View
Well today had been the worst sick day ever.

I have this painful cough, I have run out of that horrible medicine and I barely have the energy to get out of bed.

Can it get any worse?

Suddenly my door was slammed opened as I sighed with a smile knowing who it was.

Launchpad: "Y/n! Are you dead? Cause I got the medicine plus a bunch of other stuff that will make you feel better!!"

Suddenly it just got better.

My boyfriend of one year entered like the knight he was and saved me from this terrible curse.

Launchpad: "I also got these scented candles for when you need a peaceful moment they smell like the ice cream flavour vanilla!"

He immediately gave me cuddles, all the while I was protesting only to protect him from getting sick from me but to no avail.

Launchpad was the best when it came to cheering me up no matter how bad of a mood I was in, he was just a being of pure happiness.

He picked me up from the comfort/prison of my bed and brought me to the sofa along with my blankets and pillows before heading back to give me the medicine.

Launchpad stayed beside me for the rest of the day, cuddling me as we watched the classic Darkwing Duck episodes on repeat, humming along with the theme song whilst Launchpad was belting out the lyrics.

Before I knew it, sleep was overtaking me as Launchpad hugged me as I slept peacefully on his chest, feeling him rub my back to send me to a peaceful slumber.

But the week after I got better, Launchpad got sick off me.

I looked after him, getting his favourite Darkwing Duck blanket and started his favourite marathon as I prepared a hot drink for him to take.

Dewey sent over a card with a Dewey catchphrase on it as we laughed and put it on the table beside him.

Launchpad: "Y/n...can I have cuddles?"

Y/n: "Sorry Launchpad but you're sick, you need to rest honey"

He wasn't having any of that as the moment I was about to leave, he saw that as an opportunity to grab me and hold me as tight and gentle as he could possible be.

I wasn't complaining though, Launchpad was my gentle giant boyfriend and I couldn't be any more happier.

A/n: I now take requests so fire away!!"

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