Uraraka: That has to be the cutest thing ever.
Hakagure: He looks so small!
Aoyama: He is ✨dazzling✨ as always.
Dahlia: 'I still don't know how he does that.'

Toga places the baby on the couch, who continues to play with the rattle. "Does he have a name?" Compress asks, Toga shakes her head.  Twice begins to play with the baby. Compress puts his thumb and index finger on his chin "How about Mikumo?" Spinner shakes his head "He doesn't look a Mikumo. What about Haru?" Twice just starts to say names "Toshio?Ichigo?  Kenta? Akio?" Dabi groans "Just name him Izuku and be done with it." Everyone looks at him, including the baby. Toga looks at the baby "Izuku. Do you like it?" The baby babbles, which makes her smile. "Izuku it is!" Spinner looks at Dabi with a smug look "I thought you said you didn't want anything to do with him" Dabi glares at him "Fuck off."

Mina: That was so wholesome.
Tsuyu: Baby Midori is so adorable.
Sero: It's funny how they just started to say names.

The next day, Toga and Izuku go to meet the underground doctor. Overall he said that Izuku is healthy and was just a bit malnourished but should be better in a few days, also that he is barely 10 months old. They leave and go back to the bar, Toga then places Izuku in his little play area they made. The play are is just a corner where there is a carpet filled with a few toys and stuff animals, along with a blanket and pillows. Izuku begins to play, then Shigaraki comes in and says they have a job to do. Shigaraki says they only need Toga, Twice and Compress to do the job. "What about Izuku? He's going to have to stay here." Toga asks, Shigaraki starts to scratch his neck and grumbles. "Ugh. Dabi and Spinner will watch over him, just go do the job. We need this completed to take the next step in out plan. Now go." Toga goes over to Izuku. "I'll be back Izuku. I'm not leaving you. I'll try to be fast, okay?." Izuku just continues to babble and nibble on his stuffed animal. Toga looks at Dabi and Spinner "Fed him in an hour and keep an eye on him, the doctor told me he is in his crawling phase. If something happens to him you're dead." She glares at them "Got that?" They nod their heads, they do not want to fight an angry Toga. Toga smiles "Good. Bye Izuku, we'll be back soon."

Dabi: Wow she really left him with me and an idiot.
Spinner: Who the hell are you calling an idiot?
Dabi: You, obviously.
Spinner: I'm so done with your bullshit.
Dabi: So am I, but here we are.
Toga: Oh my god! Shut up. I want to know what happens.

Once they leave Shigaraki leaves to his room. Izuku watches him as he goes. "He's your problem." That is all he says before it is just Spinner, Dabi and Izuku in the room. Spinner and Dabi stare at each other then stare at Izuku who stares back. "Da-tut-ta." Spinner sighs "I have no clue on how to watch over a baby." Dabi gets up to leave "Well your gonna have to, I am not taking care of him." Spinner goes to stop him "Oh hell no. You are not leaving me here with this." "Yes I am" "You can't leave." "I can and I will, so move." They both continue to argue, they  also failed to notice Izuku is now gone from his play area.

Tsuyu: I wonder how long it takes them to find out, he's gone.
Kaminari: I give it 20 minutes to notice and 30 minutes to find him.
Mina: No, it has to be longer. 45 minutes to notice and an hour.
Present Mic: 15 minutes to notice and 1 hour to find him.
Sero: Seriously? Betting over this.

While Spinner and Dabi were arguing and bickering back and forth. Izuku goes off to explore, he is a curious kid and a smart one too. He decides to go where Shigaraki went, he enters the hallway and looks around. He then sees a door that is open by only a little bit, he goes in. It's a dark room with the only light coming from a tv. Izuku begins to crawl around and goes towards the light. Izuku bumps into a shoe and makes a small oof sound. The chair in front of him turns and Shigaraki is there. Green eyes meet red. Shigaraki sighs "Those idiots can't handle one job."

Shigaraki: Both of you are dumbasses.
Dabi/Spinner: Fuck you crusty!

Shigaraki grabs Izuku with a finger held up in each hand, he holds Izuku out in front in him. Izuku looks at with his wide green eyes, he tilts his head to the side. "Don't look at me like that." Izuku and Shigaraki stare at each other, till Izuku babbles at him. "Fine you can stay. Let's see how long till the idiot realize your gone." He places Izuku on his lap and gives him a block to play with. After 20 minutes, Izuku begins to chew on Shigaraki's shirt. "Stop that. I'll go get you food, but stop it." Shigaraki gets up with Izuku, he then puts Izuku in a box. "Stay there."

Mina: Aww that is so cute.
Tsuyu: He sure is caring.
Sero: I don't know if placing a baby in a box is caring.
Iida: It's unsanitary.
Uraraka: It's still cute though.

Shigaraki leaves the room and heads to the kitchen. He prepares the bottle, as he leaves to go back to his room he can hear Dabi and Spinner voices. "Where the hell is he?!" Dabi yells at Spinner. "I don't know! We looked everywhere." "Fuck. Toga is going to kill us!" Shigaraki rolls his eyes 'Dumbasses.' He heads back to his room. Once he is inside his room, Izuku turns to him, he starts to make grabbing motions with is arms. Shigaraki goes to sit down, he grabs some tape and starts to wrap two fingers on each hand. After he is done he grabs Izuku and hands him the bottle. Izuku begins to eat happily.

Todoroki: Wow even after they noticed he's gone they still argue.
Mr.Compress: They are the same here.
Dabi: I'm done with this shit.
Hakagure: Okay, but did you notice Shigaraki taking precaution with his quirk to carry Midori. It's cute.
Mina: I know right! It's adorable.
Kirishima: So manly!

When Izuku is done eating he begins to get droppy and ends up falling asleep in Shigaraki's arms. Shigaraki keeps on holding on to him and he soons ends up falling asleep too. They both nap for an hour, until they both wake up due to hearing a loud thud. Shigaraki rubs his eyes 'I think Toga and the others are here.' He looks over to Izuku who has his eyes half open, he rubs his head. Shigaraki then gets up with Izuku and heads to the noise, as they get closer they hear grunting and groans of pain. Once they make it to the room they see Twice in the corner rocking himself with his head in his hands. Compress is towering over Spinner. Spinner is on the floor clutching his stomach, who is repeating "I'm sorry" over and over again. In the middle of the room Toga is on top of Dabi, who is spread out on the floor. Toga has a knife pointing straight at Dabi's eye. "What the hell are y'all doing?" Shigaraki says making everyone notice his presence and they see he is carrying a drowsy Izuku. "Izuku!" They all yell. Izuku looks at them and smiles at them "Bah-tut."
-Screen goes black-

Shigaraki: Ha they got what they deserve.
Dabi: Thank god thats over.
Mr.Compress: It was an amazing show.
Toga: I liked it!
Uraraka: That has to be the cutest thing ever.
Mina: Totally! I just want to grab those cute cheeks.
Hakagure: Sure you do.
Inko: It feels like not to long ago he was a baby. *sniff*
Rei: There there *rubs Inko's back* I feel the same with my son.
Dahlia: Let's continue.

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Multiverse Found 100%: Cute~Hot

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