New Year, New People

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The prompts used for this chapter are: Write a Letter to a Stranger and Make a New Friend. Enjoy ❤😁.


Have you ever just wondered what would happen if you wrote a letter to no one in particular. I mean you just sit down and write something for anyone. With every intention to send it off. That's what I did, December 31st. I never imagined I would have ended up where I am today. 

It's January 3rd and I'm sitting in a coffee shop waiting for my pen-pal. We learnt a few things about each other through our letters over the days, so we agreed to meet up.

Why did I write the letter you may ask? Seeing as it was New Year's eve I had resigned myself to writing a lovely letter to a complete stranger. Weird I know, but I wanted to start my year off spreading joy.

"Hey. Are you Adam?"

I looked up at the person with a smile. "Adam is my name. You must be Natasha."

She smiled back at me. "You can call me Nat, I don't mind."

We shook hands and sat down. We spoke about anything that came to mind. We ate some mini sandwiches and shared four cups of coffee. It was a pleasant afternoon filled with laughter and light hearted conversation.

"Why did you send me that letter?" Natasha finally asked.

"Call it a New Year resolution if you want." I responded.

I explained what brought about the idea and she laughed. I explained that I really didn't know who would get it. She expressed her joy for being  the one who received it.

"Since you told me your 'New Year resolution' I'll tell you mine." Natasha said with successful use of air quotes. "I wanted to make a new friend this year."

"So we can both tick off our boxes." I teased with a smile.

Natasha laughed and shook her head. It was around 5 pm when we realized that we had been at the coffee shop for over 3 hours. We laughed about losing track of time, but were both happy it was a Sunday. We were also happy it was still our Holidays. We are both students and our campuses are basically down the road from one another.

We agreed to keep writing to each other and to meet up whenever. She insists that I call her Nat, so I intentionally call her Natasha. Today was one of the better days. I made a new friend out of a complete stranger. In the process I helped her complete a New Year resolution of her own. I just have a feeling that the rest of my year will be a brilliant adventure.

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