Chapter 9: Im A Mikaelson

Start from the beginning

"Lee, look at this lightsaber!" Aj squealed, picking up a lightsaber and activating the red plastic blade with a satisfying swoosh. Hope grabbed one as well, admiring the toy alongside her daughter.

"Mama, watch this!" Aj demonstrated how to extend the blade, and Hope followed suit, her own saber emitting a bright blue glow. Aj assumed a battle stance, her small frame holding the oversized lightsaber with determination.

"It's over Allyson I have the high ground" Hope rotated the handle around her hand getting into her fighting stance.

"Don't undermestinate"

"Underestimate" Haylee corrected her sister as she was looking at the nerf guns.

"Right... don't underestimate my power" Aj fixed her incorrect word.

"Are you special, I've been training you for 2 long years and you still think having some sort of magical powers is going to save your 3 little limbs when I chop you up like Darth Maul? Not only am I more skilled than you I'm on the high ground. Have you ever read the art of war? It says in bold do not mess with the High ground Allyson. This is honestly the reason why you're not a Jedi master...Also you're my daughter and I loved you" Hope slowly brought her saber forwards ready to attack. Her breathing became shallow and her eyes narrowed.

"But mama, mommy is taller then you so doesn't she have the high ground" Aj pointed at Josie who was wearing a star trooper helmet and two light sabers in her hand.

"Who are you calling short?" Hope scoffed, her competitive spirit ignited.

"Well, your height, your heart, your personality," Josie quipped, earning a laugh from herself as she deftly blocked Hope's saber strike.

Hope jumped back, her face a mix of amusement and determination. "Sorry to interrupt your playtime, but wouldn't you prefer a challenge?" she teased, attempting to disarm Josie.

"That wouldn't be you," Josie countered, grabbing the second lightsaber, and the two engaged in a playful duel. Haylee, seizing the opportunity, grabbed Josie's phone from the backpack on the cart and started playing Star Wars music, adding to the epic atmosphere. Both girls watched in awe as their moms clashed, Hope swinging her saber while Josie expertly parried and struck back.

Josie finally landed a gentle strike on Hope's leg, prompting her to play along and fall to her knees. "Where's the fight you promised me, my love?" Josie teased, holding the tip of her saber to Hope's chin, lifting it slightly.

"Where is the fight you promised me, my love?" Josie brought the tip of her saber to Hopes chin raising it up slightly.

"Y-you win," Hope admitted defeat, looking down with mock shame.

Josie approached Hope, bending down to place a tender kiss on her lips, their playful duel ending in a moment of affectionate camaraderie.

"Mama I want to have a lightsaber fight with you." Aj grabbed her lightsaber and ran towards Hope and Josie. "But Im death Vader" Aj jumped stomping her little feet.

"Darth Vader" Haylee corrected her little sister once more, still unbothered.

"A little weird you wanna be on the dark side at this age--choosing evil at 4 is a little concerning." Hope got up and got into her stance.

"I will make it that you never know a moment of happiness " Aj said also getting ready. Hope turned to look at Josie scared of what she just heard. Josie raised her arms in defense and backed away. Aj runs to Hope and playfully swings her saber. The two are going back and forth. Aj cuts Hopes arm off making her drop her saber.

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