"No, let me finish, and his and mine DNA doesn't match, three reports consecutive and no match, anything else you need to prove about how I only have a princess who will one day inherit my throne?" Christopher asked.

"He is not doing good Chris, even if he is not yours can you not do something anything? I cannot see him die, I have carried him for nine long months" "And tried to prove hard that it was mine, when I didn't accept you married the one you are residing with now. Tell me how could I believe any word you say? When you lie only?" They didn't saw pia who had made her way towards the open door and there he was a frail looking child no older than ten was sleeping, he was in severe distress she can tell.

And then hand landed on a file. He was dying, there is not much time left. "Get out of my boy's room now, you have no right to be here, first you steal my fiancé and then you are going for my child? Do you have no self-respect at all?" Pia looked into her angry gaze. "I didn't steal your fiancé he married me forcefully, and I don't care if the child is yours, he needs help and I am a doctor, I cannot stop at mild prejudice you have against me and try and not help someone who needs help. I happen to know a very good heart specialist; I think he can help you in this."

"Did I said I need your help? It is not like you haven't ruined enough already." Someone held her hand. "Never, you have no right to hurt my wife this way. You get me? no one gave you permission to hurt her or hit her, you cannot do anything you wish and as you wish, come on Pia we are leaving, there is no way I am staying where they insult my wife." Pia looked back at the child who had opened his eyes and looking at her. "Dad?" He asked. "I am not your father son," Christopher replied as he coughed violently. Pia was the first one to hold him down.

"It's ok, are you alright?" She asked softly. "My chest hurts, mommy says I am going to go to stars very soon, will then it stop hurting me?" Pia held him closer to her. "No my child, you are not going anywhere, not if I can help it" She said. "Pia..." 

"Not now Christopher, he needs help immediately and whatever complain his mother have against me can stop until we can find some treatment for him, call an ambulance I am taking him in and no questions asked from either of you. He needs help and I thought mother's were supposed to protect their children not put them in harm's way."

Pia looked at the ambulance vanishing into the horizon and Christopher pulled her closer. "Why are you this much compassionate? She insulted you and told you she didn't need your help but you still insisted on helping her, may I know why you are too much compassionate?" "It was the right thing to do, what was that little boy's fault in her mother's schemes? Nothing Roy, nothing he is an innocent child, you didn't saw what I did, hope, and that is something no one shall lose," Christopher hugged her tightly as the rain begin to pour down. He knows now that what he was about to do was not wrong, that she is the perfect candidate for this to happen.

Next morning Pia woke up hearing her husband and her child's voice. Today is the day they are shifting her mother to the hospital for the necessary tests, and from today her own tests are beginning. She knew he will do everything to make sure that he kept his promise. But she didn't want him to push himself this hard. She saw how he was talking to the baby holding her in his arms. 

"Let's play the game of differential diagnosis, so the problem is daddy wants to impress mommy with his cooking but he is not very good at it so what should daddy do? Call his brother and take his help? Call one of the defense walls and ask if they can help him with it or call your Forrest uncle and tell him to bring something very delicious from the breakfast place she loves?"

"I think she is little too small to play the game of differential diagnosis Mr. Woodland, but how about I cook you something good?" Christopher looked up and a smile broke into his face. "You are up early baby, have you slept well? You didn't have any nightmares, did you?" She was bombarded with the questions. "I was watching you for a while Mr. Woodland and I saw how you were engrossed in conversing with your daughter" She said smiling.

"And I have a solution to your problems, why don't we all have breakfast together? You, me, mom and Forrest? You can even call the defense walls, as you call my friends that only." And it made him laugh. "That name is something I am not changing my entire life my darling, but first I need to do something, and for that you have to come with me, and yes I am going to call all the defense walls it is time they too joined us, don't you think we should be a big happy family?"

Pia was dressed in one of his favourite outfits of all time, his shirt and a knee length pencil skirt with a suit jacket. "Why am I wearing your shirt?" She asked. "Because I like to see you in it Darling" She shied. "Fine, as you say it Mr. As you say, for now, I am going to do everything you want me to" he kissed her temple and begin dressing his daughter.

Pia followed him inside an awfully quiet hospital, she wondered what was the matter, And where was everyone anyway? Is she missing something? He laid her to the top floor of the hospital where the administrative wing was also, somewhere she never ventured before. "Roy? Why are we going up?" She asked confused. "Awfully curious you are darling for your own good, now, hush and follow me" Pia didn't say a word till they reach their destination.

It was still very quiet and she didn't knew why no one was there. Where is everyone? "Darling," Christopher said taking his phone out. "Yes, Roy you need something?" Pia asked. "Why don't you go inside I just need to attained this ok?" She nodded walking away. He looked at the baby stroller looking at his daughter.

"Wait for it, princess" He said and his daughter laughed. "Glad to have you on my team my princess, and then he heard her voice calling him. "Roy, what is all this? Where are you?" He pushed the stroller and walked inside where she was covered in confetti and her hairs were filled with coloured papers. She was trying to pick them off her. "There you are what is all this Roy? I do not understand why everyone is telling me that I am the new boss?" She asked.

"Because you are the new boss Mrs. Woodland, remember I told you, you were my boss, and now you are in reality. I have transferred all my assets to you, you own the Woodlands now, all the funding, all the good work we do now you are in charge of it all. And the position of the CEO is yours from now on." She was speechless, she didn't wanted anything from him, this was just too much for her to accept. "Why?" She asked.

"As I told you once Darling, everything I have is yours and now it is in literal sense, and as you are the boss, from now you will handle the boring meetings and I am going to spend some quality time with my princess" Everyone laughed at that. "And" He pulled her closer. 

"I trust you will take it to the heights no one had before my dear little pixie, happy anniversary. Exactly a year ago today you have walked into my life, on that plane and you ruin more than just my Armani, you ruined the way I thought about life, and it is a good thing because then I was selfish, now I still am selfish just for your love my little pixie, I can never forget how you had stole my heart that day. And today I give my all to you, everything I have is yours forever for taking, if you except that, accept me." She smiled.

 "How can I not Roy, I love you so much." And then he kissed her. "I am glad you had ruined my Armani that day" "Oh shut up," She said hiding her face into his suit making him laugh. "Let's go and initiate you in the position that belongs to you My little Pixie, so that world can know how proud I am on you." Christopher laid her towards the chair. 

Word Count: 2286 Words

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