Chapter seven "omg am so happy"

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Y/n POV:

A lot has happened during these few years Kushina and Minato are married she said sorry and l became such good friends she was a sister to me and Minato had become hokage and l was so happy. kushina would always invite me to eat with her l would sometimes go but not always because l was busy training.

Y/n: you needed me lord hokage?
Minato: Yeah, l wanted to tell you something
Y/n: What is it?
Minato: Kushina is pregnant!
Y/n: Oh wow! I can't wait to see the baby!
Minato: thanks me and Kushina wanted to let you something well she wanted me to tell you
Y/n: oh yeah what is it?
Minato: we want you to be the god farther...
Minato: heh..
Y/n: oh excuse my manners lord hokage..
Minato: no it's alright. She is already 3 months pregnant!
Y/n: omg am so happy!
Minato: Yeah! She wanted you to go make dinner with her
Y/n: thats great l will stop by know!
Minato: ok
I knock on kushina's door and she opened it
Kushina: Hi y/n!
Y/n: hi Kushina!
Kushina: so right know am making some soup it's Minato's favorite!
Y/n: oh wow!
Kushina: can you please cut up the carrots
Y/n: sure
Kushina: after you can put the carrots in the pot can you put onion, garlic, celery in there to but cut them up
Y/n: of course

So we finished the soup and Minato came in looking tried
Minato: wow smells so good in here~
Kushina: yeah me and Y/n cooked your favorite soup
Y/n: uh no l did not do anything l just watched
Kushina: but Y/n
Y/n: l swear l did nothing! I would never lie!
Minato: oh uh ok thanks so much Kushina it smells good l can't wait to eat your cooking!
My stomach growls and l blush From embarrassment
Kushina: someone is hungry
Y/n: no am not hungry l should get going
Kushina: you look so skinny Y/n do you even eat
Y/n: (mumbles) no..
Y/n: alright then bye!
Minato: l heard him say no...
Kushina: that's why l thought to..
After you left you ate a food pill 'I should had said sometimes..' you thought

Well this one was a short one anyway bye bunny's go onto the other chapter

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