Chapter 4

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"I found you"

An arrow shot to M/n's heart. He had read to many fanfictions till even a three letter word hurt him. "What do you mean- Am I dead? What is this? When did I get reincarnated?" M/n asked multiple questions before getting cut of by Kageyama "Youre not dead, boke."

"So...Im not? Thank god- ...Im sorry though. For walking out just like that" M/n scratched behind his neck with his eyes looking the other direction "No, Its my fault I shouldn't have picked up a fight with him" he looked down. m/n felt a pang of guilt knowing that the reason he fought back was because of him. M/n left out a small chuckle before saying "How did you even get out of the fight anyway"

Kageyama looked up back to the H/c male. The things that Tsukishima said waltz back into his mind. "We both felt guilty so we stopped..." M/n could only smile slightly "I see.."


Their relationship went smoothly. No long distances. Just normal. Kageyama would sometimes come over M/n's house to cuddle and maybe watch some Netflix. Though he would sometimes be confuse of you crying because of a girl name Kaori Miyazono.

One day, Kageyama was acting off. He was somehow keeping his distance from M/n and of course it made him confused. Did he do something wrong? Did he say something to make him avoid him? He'll have to ask when they get home.


Waiting at the school entrance alone, there were no more people around accept the janitors walking pass with their mops and brooms. After a while, he finally gave up. He walked home alone. M/n walked trough the door and do the same things that he normally do when he gets home. Take a shower, do homework and scroll trough his phone. That was until he got a message.

[1 unread message]

Milk bby :

I'm coming over. I have something to tell you


Just trough that he could feel something bad coming up but he just hoped for the best. Kageyama arrived not long after with a sad expression. "Tobio?" M/n moved to side for Kageyama to enter. "I wont be long" I wont be long? What does that even mean. "M/n..." he looked into M/n's eyes. "Im so sorry..."

"For what?" M/n tilted his head slightly to the side. "Kenma...dumped Hinata and now HInata is asking for me to get with him..." the h/c male didn't wanted to say anything yet.

" I right" M/n looked down.


M/n could only chuckle to himself for being stupid. Were he actually thinking that hed actually moved on from Hinata? Not even yourself moved from Tsukishima. Stupid. "I see...well, im happy for you. Im sorry I wasn't the best for you...Im sorry we didn't get to go on the adventures like you wanted to. Im truly sorry. I hope Hinata takes good care of you and I hope he loves you like I do. Send him my regards. We can still be friends like back then. Though it be hard to not think that your not with me anymore. Thank you for keeping me distracted from Tsukishima but I guess I was just born to be alone.

With that, kageyama started crying. "Why are you crying? You're the one whose leaving. Please don't feel sorry. You love him, and not me. Please leave.." M/n wanted to have a moment to himself. Kageyama gave M/n his last hug before he left.


Kageyama's POV :

I left M/n's house still crying. I didn't wanted to let him go...but someone else needs him...


"Why do you always reject him? You should know having him as your own is a blessing." Kageyama huffed at Tsukishima. "Not that I don't want to, I would've accepted him if it wernt for my condition.."

"Your condition? You seem healthy." The blueberry rolled his eyes. Tsukishima just returned a bored expression, looking like he was saying 'do you want to hear it or not?' It kept him quiet.

"Ive been diseased with ALS"


"Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis"

"???????" Kageyama gave one of those confused faces.

"Of course you wouldn't know what it is. Its a progressive nervous system disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, causing loss of muscle control. My legs are getting weaker everyday. Breathing is a pain. Sooner or later im going to lose my ability to use my legs and arms. Not long after that i wont be able to move at all....and then" he paused 

"....And then?"

"Ill lose my life..."

Kageyama stood there, pale. "Why didnt you tell him? More less anyone else?" he pointed out. "I didnt wanted to make him worry. I didnt wanted to reject him at the first place. I didnt wanted to get to attach to him and if i ever were to die as his lover, it would break him. I just really love so much at the point id do anything just to live longer..."

Kageyama could see on how much pain hes going into. He pittied him.

"So thats why you rejected him..."

Thanks..... (Tsukishima X Male Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu