Chapter 6: Breaking a Promise

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The sound of bubbling water could be heard throughout the caravan, the aroma of pungent nether wart flooded the dark room as the newly deemed soldiers of L'Manberg prepared for the upcoming war. Potions of healing, invisibility, and harming were crammed into little wooden crates as L'Manberg put its drug empire to good use. Fundy unscrewed a glass flask from its brewing stand, giving it a gentle swirl before handing it to Eret who jammed a cork inside of the opening and stored it in its designated crate. Tommy, who was in charge of the food supply, tossed a couple of golden apples and cooked meat into burlap bags, sealing the sacks of food with twine. Off in the corner, Wilbur oversaw the entire ordeal, staring closely at Tubbo as he sharpened weapons to make sure he didn't nick himself on accident.

Thanks to Eret, each of the boys sported their very own revolutionary uniforms. A thick, royal blue overcoat with golden epaulets covered a white undershirt accented with golden cufflinks. A red cummerbund sat nicely around their waists and a brown belt overlapped diagonally just above their right shoulders. Knee-high boots and a black tricorn hat made the final look come together, the group looking like they crawled out of a history textbook.

Two days had passed since the declaration of war against L'Manberg, and not a second went to waste. Precious time was spent gathering weapons and brewing potions, the boys preparing themselves for the brutality of war. Tommy peered outside the window. The walls were higher, the grass was greener- L'Manberg was finally starting to look like a true nation.

Wilbur cleared his throat as he watched his army prepare for war, figuring now was a suitable time to formally establish the commanders of his nation. "May I have everyone's attention?" The commotion in the room suddenly died down, all eyes were on him. "I would like to announce the leadership rankings." Eret's heart skipped a beat. This is exactly what she had been waiting for.

"Seeing as I am the founder of L'Manberg, it seems fit for me to continue leading as your commander." Everyone nodded in agreement, seeing no issue with keeping things the way that they were. Now that things were settled on his end, Wilbur proceeded with the announcement.

"Secondly, I would like to appoint my right-hand man." Wilbur glanced in his brother's direction, the boy's eyes widening with glee. "Tommy, I am pleased to call you my second in command!" 

A wide grin spread from ear to ear as the boy stood up and took his place next to Wilbur, a brief applause breaking out amongst the group. Staring at his brother with pride, Wilbur placed his hand on his shoulder. "Tommy, I am giving you a choice. Who would you like to be your advisor?" Eret held his breath. Maybe there was still a chance of getting what he was promised. It wasn't impossible, but there was some good competition in his presence.

Tommy quickly scanned the room. The choice was obvious, but the pressure was incredibly burdensome. Glancing at Eret, his stomach cramped as he remembered the promise he made. He fidgeted with the sleeve of his uniform, only to realize that the reason he was lucky enough to have it in the first place was because of Eret's generous efforts. Sharply inhaling through his nose, he shut his eyes, choosing the person he knew would fit the role best.


He felt his chest fall, the pressure instantly rolling off his shoulders. He knew very well that Tubbo had been with him through thick and thin. When he wasn't with Wilbur, Tommy would always run off with Tubbo, the duo spending most of their free time together. It was undeniable- he knew he made the right choice. "I'd like Tubbo to be my advisor." He clapped his hands, beginning the applause for his best friend as Tubbo made his way to his side.

"Thank you!" Tubbo grinned, elated to be working beside his best friend.

Eret's feelings of frustration drowned out the sound of applause in the caravan. They exhaled sharply, feeling slightly betrayed. Tommy had the opportunity to appoint them a role in L'Manberg in the palm of his hand and deliberately threw it out the window. After all the hoops Eret jumped through to prepare their uniforms and throwing caution to the wind by leaving everything behind, they were rejected. What was the point of being a part of this foolish plan if they didn't get what was promised?

The tension in the room was so thick it could be sliced with a knife. Tommy knew he had to go with the obvious choice, so he hoped Eret wouldn't be too upset. He remained silent as he followed everyone else, immediately returning to work.

"Traitor," Eret grumbled under their breath as the two crossed paths, just barely brushing shoulders. "Pardon?" Tommy faltered, not being within earshot to hear Eret's muttering. Eret refused to make eye contact, continuing to move a crate of potions to the back of the van.

"It's nothing of concern," she sighed. "Congratulations, Tommy."

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