Chapter 59: Dawn of Sixteenth

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Sucking in a sharp breath, Tommy could barely contain his emotions as he felt his heart practically leap out of his chest. "Are...are you sure?" He thought he spoke, but it was more of a whisper compared to the sea of applause from his friends. Wilbur nodded in return, his eyes bright and filled with glee. The boy was practically in denial of it all as he rose from his seat, letting out an awkward chuckle as he made his way toward the stage.

Wilbur watched as Tommy made his way forth, a slight numbness in his heart. His emotions didn't feel like they were at war with each other- they instead felt stagnant. It was as if he was just existing in the moment like a spectator or passerby. There was no anticipated joy despite the fact that he was passing something he greatly cherished down to a close family member. Despite how badly he didn't want to believe it, he felt nothing.

Wilbur stepped aside, the emptiness of the podium beckoning Tommy as he felt his hands grow clammy and full of sweat. He needed to give a speech but was unsure of what to say. Not only that, he almost felt he shouldn't be the one to say it. Clearing his throat, he wiggled the microphone a little to buy himself some time. The watchful eyes of his friends didn't necessarily calm his nerves either, especially with Dream and Technoblade in the audience. "Hello, everyone!" He bit his top lip, attempting to slow his quickened breathing. "You know...after the struggles and hardships we as a country have endured, I am very pleased to say that it was, in fact, meant to be."

Those words struck a chord with Wilbur, a twinge of guilt visible in his smile as he clapped for his younger brother. Tommy diverted his attention toward his brother, extending his arm outward to formally express his gratitude. "Wilbur," he began, his voice filled with warmth and affection, "you and I have come a very long way, and I am so proud of what we have done." As Tommy spoke, his words took on a new depth, as if they were coming from a place of great sincerity and love. A mellow smile spread across his face as he nodded his head. "Thank you, for..." he cut himself off, briefly uncertain if he should mention the last few weeks in front of a crowd. Instead, he lowered his head and smiled, his words thick with emotion. "For not giving up."

A sentimental round of applause echoed out into the night for Wilbur as he smiled through thin lips, his mind seemingly elsewhere. He looked to his side, beyond the trees and shrubbery. Even in times like these, his priorities still lay elsewhere.

Tommy raised his hands in an attempt to calm the boisterous crowd, his heart heavy with a mix of emotions. He took a deep breath and spoke, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "Everyone, I truly appreciate this kind gesture, but," he paused, fearing he would disappoint his friends yet again. "I'm afraid I cannot be your president."

Tommy's words were met with a hush that fell over the crowd. His heart ached with the knowledge that he had let them down once again. But as Tommy looked out at the sea of faces before him, he saw something that warmed his heart. Despite their disappointment, his friends' expressions were filled with love and understanding.

"My brother once told me that passion, and passion alone, will get you nowhere- and he was right." Tommy expressed, his shaking hands grasping the microphone as he explained his decision. "Wilbur may lack the drive for a leader, but I could never amount to his levels of strategy and leadership." Tommy's hands steadied as he spoke, his heart filled with pride for his brother. In that moment, he knew that he had made the right decision. L'Manberg needed someone with the heart and logistics of a leader, a combination that was rare to come by. "I don't mean to disappoint you all, but I have a lot left to learn before I could ever be ready for something like this."

"However," his voice perked up slightly, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "There is someone I know who possesses both traits of a good leader. Throughout the hardships of our exile, this person has risked their life to protect the fate of this nation, and has made a promise to stick by my side until the ends of the earth."

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