The Sun, The Moon, The Truth

Começar do início

Kaydel squeezed her hand. "But it worked."

Serena let out a breathy chuckle. "Yeah..." she looked ahead as they started down the ramp. "It did." Her laughter died off slowly as she saw the bustling crowd. The energy flowed freely around her, but all it did was show her how exhausted she was. "But..." she started slowly. "I kind of want boring right now."

"Boring?" Kaydel looked up at her.

She nodded as she removed some of the weight from Kaydel to walk on her own. "Rose and I had a conversation about it while on mission. After everything... I just want to be boring for a bit."

Kaydel hummed as she stood alongside her without touching her. "Well, maybe you and Poe could have a nice, boring night together."

Serena couldn't help the smile that stretched across her lips at the thought. "Yeah... maybe." Without much thought she looked around the ship yard to see if she could catch Poe's freighter.

While all the freighters looked similiar, she saw Poe's at the very edge of the yard. She picked it out from the charr marks along the sides of it.

"Oh boy..." she let out an exhale.

"What is it?" Kaydel asked her.

She shook her head as she focused back on the entrance to the base. The charr marks weren't promising, but if she hadn't heard anything over their comm system then whatever happened wasn't detrimental... or at least she hoped not.

Inside the base was even more busy than the ship yard. Whatever was driving the base moved it towards chaos.

"Something's happened," Kaydel noted after the third pair of cadets sprinted past them.

Serena turned to watch the pair down the hallway back towards the hangar. "Yeah..." Her eyebrows knitted together as the tension became tangible. It buzzed through the air like a wiry electricity. It mixed with fear until she was breathing in gulpfuls of anxious terror.

She and Kaydel instinctively began to walk faster, heading towards the debriefing room without having to decide too.

With each turn closer to the debriefing room the terror grew, and grew, and grew until Serena could barely breathe. She suddenly felt like she was back with The First Order. Only Kylo Ren could instill so much terror, and yet, there she was walking the halls of the Resistance base with just as much anxiety brimming about.

Through the horror and tension she could feel Poe's presence. It brought comfort, though she could feel the anxiety intermingling with the warmth he normally carried.

She picked up the pace once more as she followed his presence. As it grew she focused more on it and let all the other feelings drown out.

"Here-" she told Kaydel as they turned one last corner.

Standing outside of the debriefing room with Finn, was Poe. He had a rust colored shirt on with the sleeves sloppily pushed up to his elbows. The shirt wrinkled around the collar and beltline and looked stressed as the top two unbuttons were infamously popped.

He hadn't shaved in a few days, leaving a glorious trail of stubbled that softened his chin and aged him a few years. The worrisome divot pressed between his two thick eyebrows with no intention of smoothing out anytime soon. His eyes were wild with rising tension and set firmly on Finn as he told him something.

Serena suddenly had the troublesome thought that all the tension and horror she was feeling, was coming from him.

"Poe?" She called out to him as she strode quickly towards him.

Will of the Many~ Poe DameronOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora