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Percy's POV
As we got of the train I noticed Ginny with Luna and Neville and gave them all a smile and wave
We walked towards a horse and carriage and immediately they started bowing to me I turned to see a look of confusion on three of the fours faces while Blaise just held a sly smirk
I asked the thestrals not to bow to me and I would come visit them some time in the first week to which they nodded and neighed enthusiastically.
We sat on the carriage and it began moving
Pansy still with a confused look on her face asked "how can you see the thestrals"
I quickly dodge the question and began apologising for their loses and that I'm sorry they had to witness a death
The conversation was dropped and we began joking again but Draco gave me a look saying 'we'll speak about this later' to which I nodded
Blaise's fsce lit up as he said excitedly "Perce you'll never believe who is here as well"
"Tell me" I said now matching his excitement level If that's even a thing who knows
" Nope " he replied popping the P  whilst grinning
"Quit grinning like a Cheshire Cat it's freaky and extremely unnerving"I replied  inching away from him
The journey was short and as we soon arrived at pig pimples and I looked up in awe it was no Olympus but that is only because a
Annabeth designed it .
"Annabeth would have loved to see this" I whispered but it seemed as though someone heard me as Blaise gave me a side hug and a look of sorrow.
He then chuckled and said " I just realised how small you are"
I crossed my arm in a playful manor and said "I'm not short your just a 6,3 giant"
With that we entered the castle
I was separated from the group as I had to get sorted I stood with the first years and made a friend scarlet she had curly red hair and hazel eyes we listened as Minnie described the houses and as they walked through to the hall I stayed in the  entrance
Half an hour later my name was called
"Persephone Jackson" I swung open the doors obviously for a little extra spice  I calmly walked up to the sorting hat observing each student and then the teachers on my way up. My eyes stopped at the final one "Sevy" he gave me a slight smile as the hat was slowly put on my head
" I haven't had a Demigod I quite some time however you are stronger then the rest I see almost god like  you have  loyalty and kindness far past Helga Hufflepuff herself, your courage and bravery  out stands anyone I've seen before too smart to be Ravenclaw not book smart but street smart and you are as cunning and ambitious of Salazar Slytherin
He then said out loud "I do not know were to put Miss Jackson as she fits all houses perfectly"
Hushed whispers broke out among the students and I awkwardly sat on a old stool looking out upon them.
Minnie then turned to me "Percy where do you wish to be placed I immediately said "Slytherin"
and looked over towards my new found friend and made my way over before I could even sit down I heard
"Ofcourse you'll be in Slytherin your probably a evil death eater like the rest of them" Harry shouted in a bitter manner
I turned around and before I could even retaliate Neville shot up "Percy is not a death eater and is certainly not evil so keep your mouth shut"
I smiled at Neville before sending my famous wolf glare at Potter making him sit down immediately
I spun on feet and took a seat between Pansy and Draco.
"Do you not care we were death eaters no one will trust you , you'll be hated by the entire school just for looking at us"  Theo said in a worried manner
" I know you've changed and probably didn't want to do it in the first place plus you said it yourself you were a death eater not are like I've said before people make mistakes it's what we do to change that is what really matters"
They all gave me a look of relief whilst Zambini just hummed " how is you fatal flaw not second chances"
To which I countered "it's loyalty which means I won't turn my back on someone because of a mistake or mess up so it kinda is"  he rolled his eyes to the comment we laughed and joked the entire night it made me forget all that I had lost maybe the fates finally gave me a break

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