Uncovering secrets

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Back to Percy's POV

I sat in Draco's embrace for a little longer scared that if I let go I wouldn't have him back ever again
Theo and Pansy were deep in conversation whilst Blaise was deep I thought that was until he said
" Luna and Neville are here as well we can go find them If you want"
My face brightened as I grabbed both Draco's and Blaise's hand and ran down the carriage eagerly searching for my two friends that was until I stopped dead in my tracks as I remembered something. 
"I can't see Neville I can't tell him What's happened he'll be crushed"
Blaise's face turned into a look of confusion
So I decided to explain using as few words as possible.
"Clara she's gone I couldn't save her"
Blaise rushed to me and said
"It is not your fault you can't always save everyone and I'm sure Neville will appreciate the news from a friend than a camp leader"
To this i weakly nodded and began my search again my hand still intertwined with Draco's
Finally I found them and knocked on the glass eagerly.
I was quickly crushed by the two of them as they greeted me  I turned to see Draco walking away and Blaise giving me a look to say 'I'll be right back'
I quickly explained what had happened from my memory being erased to joining camp Jupiter to the seven and the war I briefly mentioned the pit but pushed pat it quickly so they didn't question it further.
This was the part I was dreading I had to tell him
"N-Neville I have to tell you something and I'm so sorry I couldn't save her Clara she d-died in the second war I'm sorry I wasn't good enough to save her I'm so sorry please don't hate me "
He grabbed both my now shaking hand and said " I know how close you were as well I don't hate you but please tell me she made it to Elysian" I nodded
He let out a relieved sigh and began to calm down
We shared a peaceful silence but ofcourse peace is short lived in my life as I heard shouting from the hallway I quickly looked to see Harry with his wand pointed at Draco. My instincts started and with in a second I had safely disarmed Harry and was standing in front of Draco.
To say Harry wasn't angry would be a lie he was furious.
"WHat  are you doing he's a Death Eater and deserves to DIE "
I was now angry I turned to Draco and quickly sifted through my mind and came to the only conclusion he didn't want to be one but his hand had been forced he did it to protect his friends and family.
"No one deserves to die especially Draco people make mistakes but it's what they do to fix them is what matters."
And with that I grabbed Draco tossed Harry his wand back and walked away still cautious of an angry Potter with a wand he had some major anger issues.

Harry's POV
How could she side with a death eater he's cruel and evil I came to one conclusion she must be one too
I stormed into my compartment and told Ron and Hermione what had happened and that she must be a death eater
Hermione didn't believe me one bit and said she comforted her when she told them about her scar she even had to tell Percy what one was
"She's a death eater and I will prove it" i fumed

Draco's POV

Percy disarmed Harry and stood in between us he told her the I was a death eater now I've lost her again and this time she'll never come back she turned to me and looked at me for a few seconds before turning back around and saying
"No one deserves to die especially Draco people make mistakes but it's what they do to fix them is what matters."
She grabbed my hand and walked back to the compartment where I was left speechless and she just sat next to me talking and laughing with the others what shocked me most is her hand never left mine the entire train ride other than to change into our robes.

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