Reggie and I exit the quaint cabin. I cannot imagine what Finn is thinking. He does not recognize me, save for the moment at the public outing earlier. At least I was able to use my powers of telepathic persuasion then. Now that his guard is up, it will likely not be so easy. Although his expression suggests an eerie calm, I know it belies the indestructible immortal within.


A familiar voice addresses the human motorcyclist, so familiar it breaks my focus from Finn. My footsteps come to a screeching halt. My jaw slackens.

"No," I hear myself whispering. "I killed you."

The vampire's head snaps in my direction. His red eyes flare in warning, and his eyebrows arch in surprise.

"I beg your pardon," he says, cocking his head to the side. "Have I had your acquaintance before?"

It is not possible. He does not appear to know me, but his feigned indifference may be a ruse. My immortal senses sizzle beneath my skin. The need to protect Finn and get him away from this band of vampires courses through me like a river.

"You have not. I am Kaleb," I say, smoothly using my code name. "And you must be Gabriel, head of The Force."

He hesitates at this, just briefly, before nodding in acknowledgement. "I didn't realize Lady Elain shared my identity with your party."

She did not. She let this be a surprise.

"Just to me," I lie. "I trust you have what you need to set Mr. Primary's eyes on you and away from us."

Gabriel gives me a wary nod and waves at his crew of vampires forward. They urge Finn to do the same, and when he does, the man pinned to his back gives me a sidelong look.

"And who might this be?" I ask before thinking better of it.

One of Gabriel's guards snorts out a laugh.

"Consider it collateral damage," he says. "The prodigy wouldn't come here without him."

"Douglas," Finn snarls, his lips curling in anger, "is my guard."

The cold confidence in his voice unnerves me. It is the piece of him that is a deadly vampire. Underneath the power of immortality, however, there are flashes of the man who loved me so deeply. I hear a glimmer of it in his voice, traces of my human. It is this flicker of humanity in his voice that is my undoing, making me respond in a way that does not align to my being.

"Then he is welcome, too," I say calmly. "Of course."

Finn shifts his blazing eyes back to me. He releases the man from his back and readjusts his tattered clothing. He stares at me unabashedly as he does so, raking his eyes down my face, down my torso, and back up again.

"Erm, we best be getting out of here," Reggie mutters from behind me. "Dusk is closing in on us, and I sure as shit don't want to be out here when the Secondary Guard starts making their rounds."

Gabriel clears his throat. "Quite right. Keep him safe, Kaleb. And Finn - I will be seeing you again."

I suppress a growl. Gabriel gives us a parting nod before waving for his group to follow, and they silently disappear into the woods. Reggie does much the same, hoisting himself onto the motorcycle and revving up for his departure. It is only when they are out of view that I gesture Finn and Douglas towards Maggie's cottage.

"Please," I say with as much kindness as I can muster. "Follow me. We have much to discuss."

Douglas and Finn exchange a look. It is the type of look shared between friends and trusted confidants. It is the type of look Finn used to share with me. My fists curl at my sides as a silent agreement passes between them and they walk shoulder to shoulder into the cottage.

I quickly survey the area surrounding the cottage, ensuring there are no prying eyes or ears to witness what has transpired. Only when I feel it is safe do I hasten my step and lock the cottage door behind us. Maggie is already making her introductions to Finn and Douglas, and I take the opportunity to nudge Kelly in the opposite direction.

When we're out of earshot, his eyebrows arch in confusion. "What the hell is going on, Bog-man? I want to see Finn!"

"I need you to reach out Tegan. Now," I hiss in a whisper.

Kelly tenses. "Why? What's going on?"

I search my brain for answers, for something - anything to explain who I saw outside. Nothing makes sense.

"When I was in the Secondary Fortress trying to save Finn all those years ago," I explain, "there were a number of Secondaries I had to...dispose of along the way."

"Alright..." Kelly crosses his arms over his chest.

"One of them being Gabriel, my ex-fiance."

Kelly pales. "Bogdan, shit. Why didn't you tell - "

I hold up a hand. "That is not the issue. I watched him die beneath me. He was dead."

"Ok, so what's the problem?"

I purse my lips and press my lips to his ear. "The man that was just outside - that was Gabriel. My ex-fiancé."

Kelly's pulse thunders against his veins, and I taste the fear and confusion as it emits from his pores.

"He is alive," I whisper. "Somehow he was saved and turned. And now he is the deadly leader of The Force."

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