Favors || KuroKage Oneshot

Start from the beginning

And so he did. It wasn't bad, though it was getting dark soon. He packed up his things and was ready to go home, when he bumped into someone. He seemed to be about his height, and was muttering anxiously.

"It's so dark in Miyagi, I should've brought a flashlight. My phone decided to die too, dang it! "

"Uhm hello, are you okay?" Kageyama asked, which caused the man to flinch.

Suddenly, he recognized the voice.


He turned on his phone light and shine it around the area, in which he heard a sigh of relief.

"Oh yeah, hey Kageyama. Sorry, I'm just new to Miyagi and not really used to it. Haha, did I bother you? My bad."

"No it's alright. I was just practicing volleyball."

"Now? It's like, what nighttime?" Kuroo was taken aback. No wonder people called him volleyball obsessed.

"Time doesn't matter. Why are you here anyways?"

"I got lost."

Kageyama had overhead the other's rant earlier, so he pulled out his portable charger, and told him to use it. Kuroo was reluctant at first, but when he saw Kageyama wasn't going to listen, he gave up.


The sound indicated that battery was in his phone once again. He checked all his chat messages, mostly just his teammates being worried about his whereabouts, and one from Kenma.

Kuroo and Kenma'a Private Messages

8:12 pm

I had a lot of fun with Shoyo today.
Also, the others seem to be worried about you, so get back soon

His eyes narrowed at the message. He didn't like the sound of it. Shrugging it off, he typed a small "ok" as a response. Finally he went to check maps for the direction home, and he almost forgot Kageyama was there if the latter didn't ask him, "You seem a bit tense? Are you done yet?"

"Whoops sorry! Here you go! This should be enough battery to last me on the way home. Thanks again, bye!"

The two waved at each other, little knowing of the drama that would unfold.


"Ok, so today is the official start of our Training Camp. Since we've all introduced each other already, the coaches have decided to randomly place you guys into teams of two and have you play against each other. This will allow us to get aquatinted with other schools while showing of your skill to work with others no matter what. I expect you all to do your best." Coach Ukai announced to everyone, whom nodded in excitement.

After a while, Kuroo finally heard his name, and to his surprise, he was paired up with Kageyama. They were going to go against Yahaba and Bokuto.

Kageyama didn't care, to be honest, and when it started out with one of Bokuto's serves, he received it nicely. The game was all that mattered to him, right now, in this moment. Nothing else. Kuroo's following spike landed on the floor of the other side, and they took the first point.

'He's....really good. Even though that recieve wasn't on point, he was able to get it up to me nicely, allowing me to hit it......'

He flinched a bit when he saw Kageyama look so happy at several intervals during the game. He was something new, something different, and he liked that. He didn't know why, and he didn't think too much about it.

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