Chapter 2 'I Always See You!'

Start from the beginning

''You're not going to protect yourself by silence. It makes you more guilty on your part. It does more damage than good'' I told him in a serious tone before sitting down again in front of him.

''You also work for the police. You want me in prison-like they want!'' He said but this time in an angry tone while trying to open the lock of the handcuffs. He's finally showing some emotion, even if it's aggression.

''No, Leo. I am here to help you with your disorders. If everything goes well, I can stand by your side in the trails when the time is right. I will defend you but that will only happen if your aggressive behavior changes'' I said in a serious tone.

I could see he was thinking deeply about my words.

''I will send you to your room for today. I will talk further with you when you calmed down'' I told him before walking to the door.

I looked back at him and saw his face already turned to look at me. ''You're the same me'' He said with a smirk while still staring into my eyes. Those eyes stared right through me. As if he wanted to let me know he knew everything about me.

''Pardon? I am not a psychopath, Leo. What do you know about me?'' I asked him in a hard tone while looking at his grin getting wider. The creepiness I get from this guy isn't normal.

The way he talks and the way he stares the whole time into my eyes is abnormal. It's like he is playing a game with me.

''Your eyes. I recognize evil when I see one'' He said in a low tone but this time in an emotionless expression before turning his face away from me.

I opened the door before looking once back at his figure sitting by the white table. Does he know my past?

I didn't like the feelings I get when I am with him. I am now rethinking my statement about Leo not being the killer. The way he behaves is not like someone whose innocent.

I walked back to my office with the documents the police officer from before gave me. It's new data about the suicide case.

I sat down and began to read the documents about Leo and the suicide case.

Before I knew it I grabbed my phone and called Nina, my assistant. I couldn't believe what I was reading. This case is much more twisted than I originally thought.

Blaze's POV

I called Duyon to ask if he had time to cook today for me and Samuel. But he said he won't be home after two days.

I still can't believe he bought an apartment close to work last month. I haven't seen the apartment yet. But Duyon told me he would like a place close to work so that he can be there in 5 minutes if they need him in the mental hospital.

Even I can see he's obsessed with his job after the accident that happened to his ex-patient.

The patient was normal without any illness and was still taken to Duyon's mental institution by his parents because they hated their child and wanted him gone from their lives. With the information from his parents, they gave him medication before he was tested for any of those disorders the parents claimed the boy had.

Because the parents gave the mental hospital the old medication that they claimed was used by their son. Due to the strong medication from the mental hospital and being abandoned by his parents, the patient committed suicide in his room.

The parents were sent to prison because it showed that they mentally and physically abused their fourteen-year-old son daily for many years. That was also the main reason the son committed suicide inside the hospital. Duyon was the one to find his dead body the next day when he had an appointment with the little boy.

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