Chapter Two: Crime & Punishment

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"Come on Arthur, is this really necessary?" Merlin pleaded as the King brought his sword down on the shield the servant grasped onto for dear life.

"Yes, very necessary" The blonde returned.


"This is for the frogs in my bed"


"This is for the salt in my wine"


"This is for putting holes in my tunic"


"And this is for replacing my Crown with a flower crown"


"Hey, hey! Hold up! That wasn't me, that was Gwaine!" Merlin justified as he gestured over to the snickering Knight.

"Oi! Where's the solidarity mate?!" Gwaine shouted.

Arthur turned his attention back from Gwaine onto his servant.

"Yes. But you laughed."


As expected the King had caught up to his servant, and was in the midst of punishing the boy, which you can't deny, he perhaps deserved. It appears that a peaceful Camelot left a certain young Warlock with an abundance of time to take out his energy on messing with his King.

Merlin fell to the ground with a thud as the last blow overwhelmed his skinny body. The raven, who was led on the grass turned to face his master.

"It wasn't just me you know! They helped me!" The boy exclaimed as he pointed to the members of the round table, who at those words pretended to be busy.

"Yes but unlike you Merlin, their job is of importance to the protection of Camelot, they can't miss practice." Arthur replied whilst towering his servant.

"I've saved Camelot more than any of them." The raven muttered under his breath.

"What was that Merlin?" The blonde asked in his usual pratt-ish manner.


"That's what I thought."

"You forgot about punishing him for the trick he played on you this morning!" Gwaine shouted over to the King from across the training field, where he stood with the rest of the Knights. They looked like a bunch of girls giggling to themselves as if they just dared Gwaine to shout something to a boy they liked.

Merlin gave a death glare to his friends, to which the shaggy haired Knight smiled and shrugged, the servant had tried to drag the Knights down with him, It was every man for himself, as far as Gwaine was aware.

Arthur looked back to Merlin, with a grin on his face.

"I haven't forgotten."

'oh great' the raven thought to himself, he was expecting the mace to appear in his masters hand at any moment now and a demand for him to raise his shield. But instead Arthur offered Merlin his hand, which the warlock looked skeptically upon before taking it and standing up.


"Trainings over!" The King shouted to all of his Knights. Many of them at this point began to leave the training ground presumably to the armoury. But four rather confused Knights made their way to Merlin and Arthur.

"You're not going to punish him for this morning?" Leon asked as if questioning the King's sanity.

"Oh I am." Arthur looked to his Servant. "But Merlin's right... He had help." An evil smirk appeared on the blondes face as he moved his gaze to his four friends, whose smiles all dropped off their face to one of dread.

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