Don't make a Deal with a Demon!

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It had been over two months since the Magift Tournament and things were settling down.
It was mind-boggaling for students to see Ana talking with Leona so casually now, and although the Savannaclaw students were on edge before, they would call her Alpha Female

Once again, the school was bustling, mainly because Final Exams were coming up.

Ana had been studying even before the tournament. Though, she told Grim he could stay home because she dint want the teachers to think he was helping her cheat.

Late afternoon of the exams....

[LOCATION: Classroom]
The tests came pretty easy to Ana since she learned all this stuff from her parents and her mom being a powerful witch. So it wouldn't be a problem for her.

CREWEL: Time is up, you dogs. Put your pens down obediently, and pass your answer sheets forward.
That concludes all of the written exams for this class.
CREWEL: Sit! It's still too early to celebrate. All the bad boys that will get failing marks will be taking remedial classes over Christmas break.
I will whip you into shape, so be ready. Class dismissed.

ACE: Ah~! It's finally over!
DEUCE: I did all that I could. All that's left is to wait for the results.
Ana: I'm glad I always study even on days off.
ACE: Huh? You guys seem confident even though Deuce normally make such defeated faces after a test~ I wouldn't be surprised by Ana though. Your grades are even called extraordinary.

DEUCE: Sorry, but I am pretty confident this time. I'll be taking that glory for myself.
ACE: Pretty rich hearing that from the same dude who cried his eyes out because he barely passed.
Well, I'm pretty confident too, so I ain't losin'.
The boys said as they interacted.

"You guys studied really hard for the exams, huh?" Ana smiled, although she knew something was up. But she stayed out of it.

ACE: Pretty much~♪ Studying's easy~♪
DEUCE: Alright, classes are over, so I might as well head to the track-and-field club.
ACE: I'm gonna play basketball and exercise 'til I drop. Alright, see you all later then.
"Better head back. Oh, but I have to stop at Sam's first. Need a sharpener for the cutlery, some detergent. And body wash. Hope he has a variety." Ana said before humming a tune.

[LOCATION: Mostro Lounge]

AZUL: Why did you ignore my summons for you yesterday? Do you understand the current position you are in?
OCTAVINELLE STUDENT: I-I had an upset stomach yesterday, so I...
AZUL: Really, now? Lying will not play in your favor.
OCTAVINELLE STUDENT: I-it's true! My stomach hurt so badly, and I...
AZUL: Jade, please make it so that he will be able to speak with us more honestly.
JADE: Understood. Fufufu, you do not have to be so scared. I promise that this will not hurt one bit.
Come, look over here... [Shock the Heart].
OCTAVINELLE STUDENT: (shrieks) Wh-what was that just now...!?
JADE: Now then, let me ask you again. Why did you not answer Azul's summons yesterday?
OCTAVINELLE STUDENT: I've had enough of being used by that wicked, scheming bastard Azul!
OCTAVINELLE STUDENT: It's obvious that I was lying, ain't it?
OCTAVINELLE STUDENT: .... What-!? I just suddenly said what's on my mind-!! Ah...!?
JADE: Oh? I see now. So that is what you really feel, is it not?
AZUL: Ah, what an upsetting result. I am so shocked.
And right after I granted your wish in order to uphold the Sea Witch's benevolence...
And yet you still call me wicked and scheming?
OCTAVINELLE STUDENT: I-I'm sorry...! You've got it wrong, that was-!!
AZUL: Hm, it is already too late to take your words back! Floyd, come. It is your turn.

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