Savannaclaw Arc 2

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[LOCATION: Ramshackle Dorm – Anastasia's Kitchen]

Anastasia was putting the last touches on dinner,and she thought of walking a bit on the dorm grounds before eating. Using some of her magic to keep the food warm, she went outside.

'It's getting colder, huh.' She thought as she held a coat closer to her, looking at the sunset sky. Since her dorm barely had light pollution, she could clearly see the stars starting to come out. She never saw the stars before.

"Who goes there?" A voice said, surprising her.

'A trespasser!?' Ana thought, only to see a Diasomnia student that looked to be a little taller than the Leech Twins, but maybe that was because of his horns. His eyes were an electric green, and looked like they belonged to a dragon. He looked to be at least 8cm shorter than her.

"Oh my, what a surprise. You are the demon child...." He said, though he wore a neutral expression, he felt power from her as well. ' And a strong one.' He thought.

"Do you live here now? This place is was abandoned long ago."

"Of course i do, my good man. Youust be Malleus, am i right? Im Anastasia Diantha Levaneau-Potter. A pleasure." The young demoness said as she smiled and extended her hand for a shake. "Why are you walking around here?"

" I quite like to wander around here during my nightly walks for it is a quiet place." Malleus said as he slowly took her hand for a shake.

"I hate to say it, but it may not be as quiet next year if more students are placed in Ramshackle. But, would you like a snack at least?"

This took the man by surprise.

"You. You're inviting me to eat with you?..."

Anastasia smiled."Of course. I'm not talking to anyone else here." She said as she gestured to her door to invite him in.

For the next hour over dinner, the two exchanged minor stories and Malleus was surprised of Ana eating venison. She assured him it was normal for demons like her to have odd dietary preferences. She even told him that when her mom was pregnant with her, she gained a ravenous craving for meat. Especially of other demons. But her dad was happy to oblige by hunting them for her. It was also normal for The Offspring to have a preference for meat if one or even both of their parents was a carnivorous demon. Malleus mused that he should learn more of this when he had the time.

"I must find another abandoned place on my next walk, then. I shall excuse myself now. I hope we meet again."

And with that, he left.

Ana smiled. 'An interesting fellow indeed.'


[LOCATION: Savanaclaw Dorm – Leona's Room]

RUGGIE: Thanks for the hard work today, Leona-san~ I brought you your dinner. Oh, and that other job is going really well.

LEONA: You're really sensible, huh, Ruggie.

RUGGIE: Of course, I am~ Anything's doable if it's for you, Leona-san~!

LEONA: Hah, listen to yourself. You're doing this for your own good, aren't you?

RUGGIE: Aw, don't be like that, Leona-san~ This is for our sakes.

We're of the same opinion about overturning this world. The hyena said with a smirk.

RUGGIE: Even the hyenas served the King of Beasts to overturn the situation they were in.

RUGGIE: I'm just doing the same thing.

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