6 || Writers blocks

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Hi everyone! It's Moon who's writing right now! I'm here to help you overcome your writer blocks!

Warning: Those are only tips that may be able to help you, but they may not work for you. This chapter will be divided into many parts. A lot of time, I'm gonna write my opinion, I'm really sarcastic and frank, some things may be "harsh" for some people, but it is not my intention! Hope you don't mind XD!

Now let's go to the chapter!

Part 1: Definition of a writer block

So according to Wikipedia:

"Writer's block is a condition, primarily associated with, in which an author loses the ability to produce new work or experiences a creative slowdown. This loss of ability to write and produce new work is not a result of commitment problems or the lack of writing skills. The condition ranges from difficulty in coming up with original ideas to being unable to produce a work for years. Writer's block is not solely measured by time passing without writing. It is measured by time passing without productivity in the task at hand."

You're gonna say: "Yeah, that's cool Moon, but everybody can do some research on Wikipedia seriously -_-"

But now that we know what is a writer block, I can get to the point!

Part 2: Thinking

Thinking is the keyword of this part, why? Because if your story is rushed, of course you'll be blocked! You don't know how your story will end, do you even know how it starts? You have to give your brain the time to imagine each scene of your story. You need to know the storyline and the plot of your book as best you can! Of course, at the start, you don't need to be sure of what will happen word for word. But if I ask you to explain to me your story from the beginning until the end and gimme some details so that can imagine as well, you need to be able to do that. If you don't, it means you need to think again and again! :)

If you can do this, then you're ready for part 3.

Part 3: Relax on your first draft

Pressure can help you make things quickly when you need to, but when it comes to writing, it'll be one of your worst enemies! Your first draft mustn't be perfect, putting words on the page is enough. You'll always have the time to go back and edit, maybe even get someone to read it. Perfectionism isn't the keyword of a first draft. And remember, "perfect is the enemy of good"!

Part 4: You're not obliged to start at the beginning

When I have to write an essay in French, I'm not afraid of the subject, but of this blank page I need to cover with ink in less than 1 or 2 hours... It can seem ridiculous, but I think it's one of the biggest fear of the writers. And there are 2 solutions :

1. Overcome this fear, which is easier to say than to do, but you'll have to do it all your life, at least until the end of high school.

2. Be cleverer than this fear, so instead of starting with the chronological beginning of whatever it is you're trying to write, dive into the middle, or wherever you feel confident. You'll feel less pressure to get everything "right" straight away because you're "already at the halfway point" — and by the time you return to the beginning, you'll be all warmed up!

Part 5: Map out your story

Yeah, the title is pretty weird, but you'll see, it's not that complicated :). Instead of writing, why not draw on paper or an electronic device? You're not gonna draw your story (well you can if you want to, but then, let's meet in our graves! Mine will be in the Lost Cities if you're looking for me, you'll just have to look for "Moon the Magnificent" XD). Seriously, by drawing I mean making a mind map (yeah, this particular thing I hate making in school ;-;)! And if like me you draw like a foot, then I recommend you to use apps like "Inkflow." It's really easy to use and handy.

You can also make a timeline on a book, a piece of paper, or an iPad. Where you can write the births, deaths, marriage, big events, wars, coronation, etc.

Part 6: Don't stress yourself

Don't stress yourself to write a new chapter! If you don't feel in the mood for writing then don't do it! That's one of the reasons I don't have a schedule (says the girl who hasn't updated her books for like a few months.... XD
But seriously, I'm gonna update them, I'll just have to change the hole plot, cause I guess I found a better idea XD).


I hope these tips will help you, I'm maybe going to update this chapter a few times to add other tips, so stay connected!

Also, if you tried to do these tips, you can write your feeling about them here:


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Bye guys!


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