"I'll miss you" he hugged back "I'll miss you too"

He reluctantly let go, walking towards the bus, waving at her before boarding on it, sitting on the seat next to the window, so he could still see her. The bus closed it's doors, starting to leave, they all waved at her as she ran after it, waving back until she was out of sight.

Clay slumped in his seat, feeling a tight grip around his heart, Bad put a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, i'm sure you'll hear from her very soon"


The noise of a notification on his phone caught his attention, he turned on the screen, seeing that he had one unread message from an unknown number. He unlocked the screen, opening the message.

-See you in august <3-

He smiled, Bad nudged him.



Things went pretty well from then on. Every evening Angela would join them on discord and talk with them, sometimes playing minecraft.

Turns out she was very good at playing, especially in the building-related games, so they decided to invite her to the next MCC (Minecraft championship, for those who don't know, it's a tournament where different teams of four players compete to become the kings of the week).

"Hey Angela why don't you join us on the next MCC?" Bad suggested.

"When is it?" she asked.

"Next week, on Saturday" Clay responded.

"Uhm... i mean sure but... won't your subscribers get suspicious if i just pop out of nowhere?" 

"We'll just say you are a close friend of us, it's no biggie" George added.

"Mmm... give me a second" they heard some shuffling and then a lout thump.


"I'm here don't worry, i'm not dead. I just want to check if i have any exams soon" they heard the flipping of pages for a few seconds "Aaaaand nope, i'm free" she closed her notebook "I'm down for it!"


When Saturday came, they all joined the server early to practice a bit, Angela was the last one to join, arriving just shy of 30 minutes before the beginning of the tournament.

"Angela where the muffin where you?" Bad asked a bit angry.

"Sorry, SOMEONE here usually organizes their notes during the weekend so i had to speedrun them!" she responded, logging on the server.

"Which team are we?" 

"Yellow ocelot"

They trained for a bit, Angela tried to make in across the parkour, failing it miserably. 

"Nope, i such at this, i'll leave the carry to you Clay. Oh by the way, should i call you Dream during the stream?" she asked.

"Yeah, just to avoid any suspicious"



Once the stream started they all introduced each other and their teams. The yellow ocelot team consisted in Angela, Dream, Bad and Skeppy. The green turtles team consisted in George, Sapnap, Techno and Antfrost, while the others team had some random people they didn't knew.

Camping love | DreamXOCNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ