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"I can't believe you just did that! It was awesome!" Sapnap shouted while they walking back to the camping site.

"You were all 'Come on! Bring it!' and the bear was 'Oh no, please don't hurt me!'" he re-enacted, receiving a confused look from George.

"That's not what happened" he corrected.

"It's totally what happened" he assured with a smug smile.

Clay looked at Angela, she hadn't said anything since the encounter and he was starting to get worried, he walked up to her, placing a hand on her shoulder, causing her flinch.

"Are you ok?" he asked, she sighed.

"You already know the answer..." she muttered, keeping her gaze low to the ground.

"It already happened?" she nodded "I don't want to talk about it..." he hesitantly took her hand, catching her attention.

"I'm here if you need me" he assured with a reassuring smile.

They kept walking hand in hand until they reached the lake, the others went inside their tents to change and rest a bit, while Angela let go of Clay's hand and started walking away. He quickly ran up to her.

"Where are you going?" he asked, noticing that she was shaking a bit.

"In a place where i can calm down" she murmured, trying to hold back tears.

"Do you mind if i come?" she shrugged, not saying anything, he gently nudged her hand and she took his, clasping it hard. They kept walking in silence for a few minutes, reaching a small hill and climbing on it's top, staring at the distance. 

Angela took a few deep breaths, trying to calm down, after a few minutes she spoke again.

"I'm sorry..." he already knew why she was apologizing.

"You don't have to apologize Angela, if it wasn't for you today we would have probably died or got injured very badly" he placed his hands on her shoulder, turning her around so she was facing him.

"You saved us" he assured, she nodded, looking away, a small smile forming on her face.

"You guys are hopeless..." she sighed.

"But i guess it doesn't matter... since tomorrow we're taking separate ways" she said in a sad voice. 

"We can still keep in contact. You have our numbers, we can play minecraft together from time to time" he suggested, she shook her head, sitting down and staring at the horizon.

"I have to study and you have to go back to your minecraft car-" she placed a hand over her mouth, stopping herself. She said too much.

"My career?" he asked, confused "What do you mean? I never told you what i... do..." realization slowly hit him, she sighed, turning to face him and giving him a weak smile.

"Nice to meet you... Dream" his eyes widened.

"You .... you knew... " he said in a hurt voice, she nodded.

"Since the beginning, your wheeze is pretty recognizable" she stated, giving him an apologetic look.

"I didn't want to ruin your vacation, so i kept quiet" she took out her phone, unlocking it and handing it to him.

"I know you don't want to show your face so... if you want you can delete the photos i have of you. I wasn't going to publish them anyway but... if it makes you feel uncomfortable..." she rubbed her arm, looking down.

Clay took the phone in his hand, looking at the picture in the gallery and noticing that there was only one where his face was shown. The one where him and Angela held the sturgeon.

"But... it matters to you..." he mumbled, she shrugged.

"It's just a picture... the memory will remain" she assured.

He thought about it for a while, his finger hovering over the delete button for several minutes until he made his decision, handing the phone back to her.

"Keep it... just don't publish it please" she nodded, grabbing the phone and putting it away.

"I guess then... this is a goodbye..." she smiled, standing up "It was nice meeting you Clay, i hope... you've enjoyed your vacation" she started walking away. She was leaving... he couldn't... he couldn't let her go.... he didn't want her to go!



He darted up to his feet, running after her and grabbing her arm, stopping her.

"Wha-" he pulled her close to him, connecting their lips into a kiss. Her eyes widened, but after the initial shock wore off,  she gave in, melting into the kiss, her body relaxing a bit. Clay broke the kiss after a few seconds, looking into her deep blue eyes.

"Why?" she asked, her cheeks painted in a bright shade of red, her gaze still fixed on his emerald green eyes. He didn't say anything and just kissed her again, she closed her eyes, enjoying every bit of it, the softness of his lips, their warmth, even the sweet taste of chocolate left by the kit-kat he ate. He gently slid one hand on her neck and the other one down on her waist while she clasped the shirt on his chest, letting out a small moan. 

They kept kissing for a few minutes before breaking apart, saliva still connecting their mouths and both gasping for air, she awkwardly wiped it away.

"I love you" he mumbled, not diverting her gaze from her eyes "I love you... i want to spend more time with you..." 

"But... you've known me for less than a week..." she said in a low voice, looking away. He grabbed her chin, making her look at him.

"I don't care. I love you Angela. I love the way you smile, your cheerful personality, the way you talk, the way you cook. Everything about you makes my heart speed up." he took one of her hands and placed it in the center of his chest, making her feel his racing heartbeat.

"I want to get to know you better.  I want to show you all my faces... and see yours" he leaned in, his mouth inches away from her ear.

"I want to catch you and never release you" he whispered in her ear, his hot breath sent a shiver down her spine, the words he uttered making her entire being want him more.

"If... if we give this a chance... how... are we going to..." she whispered, not knowing what to say.

"We'll figure something out. I'll come visit you often and call you every day" he assured.

"Every day?" she asked, he smiled.

"Every day" she stayed silent for a moment, tightening her grip on his shirt.

"Can..." she called "Can you... kiss me again? Please?" she pleaded, he gently pulled her closer.

"Of course" he breathed out before connecting their lips once more, closing his eyes. His kiss was very gentile, becoming increasingly intense and more aggressive. He tilted her chin up, deepening the kiss and sliding his tongue inside, making her moan in pleasure. They kept making out for several minutes, she wrapped her arms around his neck, edging closer to him, not wanting this moment to end.

She promised herself to never open her heart to anyone anymore, tired of getting it shattered over and over.... but maybe... she could give it one more try.

Camping love | DreamXOCWhere stories live. Discover now