Chapter 1

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As Y/N's eyes peeled open his vision was filled with light, his senses flooded back to him. the soft blanket and pillow he was sleeping on were an unfamiliar comfort. The couch he was on was covered in cold leather. Then the pain washed over him like a cruel wave pulling him under the water. He pushed himself up and scanned his unfamiliar surroundings. The scent of something sweet floated into the room, he could hear something sizzling down the hall. 

He looked down at the ground in front of him and saw something else. What looked to be three girls, similar to the woman he saw last night, white hair, red suits, this time with black vests, and husky like ears, they were sleeping on the floor overlapping, sleeping like dogs. As soon as he sat up, they woke up in tandem. He recoiled, startled by their sudden wakening. 

"Huh, oh look..." the first one said "...The man is awake..." The second continued "...Lets get lucifer" they stood up and walked to the kitchen where the sizzling was coming from. They talk like they could read each other's minds, picking up each other's sentences. Wait did they say lucifer. As soon as the thought crossed his mind a woman left the kitchen, matching long white hair tied in a bun, this time with a small crown and much bigger horns, wearing an apron and  carrying a plate of what looked like crepes. 

"Morning" Y/N shuddered were these people demons? Lucifer, horns, suits...they did like deals and he has heard rumors. "Pancake?" She offered him the plate. "yeah yeah, 'whats going on' eat up and I'll explain" He hesitantly took the plate, he couldn't deny he was hungry. He cut into a pancake, it was very sweet, and stuffed with chocolate sauce, aka: very good. He greedily dug in as the woman spoke up. 

"Right now your in my...husband's house, the house of the helltaker and his harem" She said bluntly. "Everyone here...Almost everyone here is a demon, some of the finest exiles of hell around" she sighed "And myself of course, the CEO of hell, lucifer" she said proudly. "These three are Cerberus" She motioned to the other three "The one that saved you yesterday was Justice. We obviously didn't know where your house is so we took you here to rest" She handed Y/N his shirt, folded nicely. "put this back on and feel free to meet everyone else". He only just noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt. He jumped a bit, quickly putting it back on, ignoring his now bandaged shoulder. The cut in the shirt was sewn shut, and it lacked any trace of having been soaked in his blood. 

"I-Uh where is uh...Justice?" Y/N nervously spoke up "I just want to say thanks before I leave" 

"Hmm?" lucifer looked up as she was taking the plate. "Oh she's out, you forgot your wallet out there so she's going to go try and find it" Y/N touched the pocket of his pants, his wallet was still missing. 

"God dammit" He exclaimed.

"Eh they'll find it soon enough, and we can always lend you some money if you need any" He was kind of stunned about how generous these 'demons' are being. The CEO got up and left with the dishes. Y/N sat up and looked around the room. Hearing someone come down the stairs. He looks to the noise and sees a rather tired and short demon coming down the stairs, dressed in a tight dress and wearing glasses. 

"Oh youre awake, about time" She sighed, seeming very done with everything. "I'm pandemonica, basically lucifer's assistant" She said bluntly before walking to the kitchen. Soon after, she was followed by another demon, her hair short and wavy, surrounded by little floating hearts. with a pair of tight pants and a sweater on.

"Oh...Its you, its the guy justice carried home" she approached him, "You know the whole night she sat next to that couch...Making sure you slept well" He pulled away, blushing a bit 

"I...whats wrong with that?" He was a bit embarrassed but she seemed to almost be treating it sexually. 

"hehehe, you tell me" she chuckled before walking off. The three Cerberus ran up and grabbed Y/N.

"Hey Y/N, were done with breakfast, were gonna show you around" they shouted. Pulling him up the stairs. But were interrupted by the front door opening up. 

"Thanks girls but I'll introduce him to everyone" A familiar voice said. Y/N turned to see the same person that saved him, she tossed him his wallet. Getting a better look at her was...awakening to say the least, he nearly didn't catch the wallet. 

"Uh...I...Thanks" she replied with a finger gun.

"So who've you met so far?" she walks up to him. 

"Well I...Oh how is your arm?" he got distracted by the bandage on her arm. 

"I've taken worse" She shrugged.

"Oh yeah, well I met these three, uh...pandemonica, lucifer and the girl with the hearts on her head...She didn't tell me her name" He chuckled nervously, normally he didn't have trouble talking with girls...something wasn't right. 

"Oh modeus, dont let her get under your skin shes the lustful demon, im sure you can imply what that means" She chuckled before waving him to the stairs. He followed her up the stairs, they started at a closed door "Here's Zdrada's room, shes a bit of a sour grape, shes the bitch demon. Just try and keep away from her" she said worriedly. Y/N was starting to get a bit confused, realizing that he has to get home. 

"This is Azazel, shes an angel apparently. Shes nice if a little jumpy" Opening the door revealed the mess of a room, the girl was dressed in a bright white uniform with a bright halo and contrast to the others, deep black hair. "She seems busy" as they closed the door Y/N saw someone, a beast of a man, easily a head taller than him and built like a bull. He approached the two and waved. 

"Good to see you're alright kid. You can call me helltaker" He holds out a hand, and Y/N shakes it. 

"This is the big man, brought us all up here from hell," Justice added. 

"Well n-nice to meet you sir" Y/N stammers out, still wondering when he'd be let home though there was something still lingering in his mind.

"One more to get to," Justice lead him past the man and to a staircase at the end of the hall. "This is Malina, shes always a bit sour but softens up often" She turned to us in response. 

"Oh its you, you look like enough of a nerd, you like turn based strategy games?" Y/N was a bit thrown off, not sure if shes talking to him.

"I...I wouldnt hate playing them, I just probably wouldn't play them alone."

"Cool, feel free to play anytime, the Taker has kind of been distant." She growls. 

"Oh alright" Justice lead him back downstairs. 

"So that's everyone, if you're ready to head home I'll take you there" She smiles, as always. 

"Oh...Sure" he looked to the couch, seeing Modeus smirking at him causing his face to flush as the two left. He just hoped Justice hadn't noticed. Something inside him tore at his mind though, he felt like there was still something he wanted to ask. 

A/N: HOLY CRAP, that's 80 views already, holy crap thanks guys. The support is awesome and encourages me to write more, please give comments on how I can improve at this writing thing, or just what you enjoyed. Thanks for reading. 

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