It started a hearty conversation.

Fair asked Sky to sit.  He took an extra wine glass and poured for the boy.

Sky told the couple that his friend Khemp often goes on Air's walks with him.  (Fair knew that.) He says that Air never talks about his past...  or himself.  (That made sense to Fair,  Air's orphanage life might not be all fond memories.)
Sky gave off a hurting and curious vibe.  "Khemp says Air is the nicest person he's ever met."  

Sky was wringing his hands.  "How can that be?  I'm a nice person.  I've never said one bad word to Khemp, and I've known him way longer."

Fair and Green spoke with each other from the corners of their eyes.  Air's presence on the farm was decidedly stirring up more than one member of the staff.  Since all the staff were male,  there were plenty of stirred staffs and stiff members to go around.

"Khemp says he thinks Air might be asexual."

Green and Fair reacted at the same time,  but Fair spoke first:  "You do know that there is nothing wrong with that,  right?"

"Oh,  yes P's,  but it sure makes Khemp sad.  I think he really likes Air, but Air never responds to flirting."

Fair talked as seriously with Sky as he could.   "I want all of you guys to be careful with Nong'Air.  Really careful.  Del loves him and he's the first teacher that has lasted this long.  Do you understand?"

Fair smiled warmly into Sky's honest face.  "I know he's irresistible,  but Chess hasn't met him yet.  If something were to happen and Air left before Chess comes back..." 
Fair squeezed his eyes shut.  "I don't want to think about it."

When he opened them,  Fair raised a single index finger.  "Maybe I should put a moratorium on staff asking Air out and on dates."

Green was shaking his head back and forth slowly.  "Don't even think it,...  you can't do that."

Fair squirmed in his seat.  "I know,  but I don't want anything to happen to Air.  He's the best thing for Del."

Sky laughed sarcastically.  "He's been here almost three months and he hasn't accepted a date yet.  I don't think that's an issue."

Fair slumped to the side and put his head on Green's chest.  He whimpered and chuckled together.  

Green rubbed Fair's head.  "Maybe a boyfriend is just what he needs.  Wouldn't that be a good reason for him to stay?"

Fair nodded against Green's big pecs.  "But boyfriends break up."


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Air was alright considering how embarrassed he was.  His outburst of tears wasn't caused by any great pain or feeling of loss.  The Sky he loved was a memory and it was abruptly shoved to the forefront of his mind by the name, that and the boy's long black hair.  He didn't look at all like the Sky from Bangkok,  the Sky Air loved.

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