Chapter Eight

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"No probs Amelia. Um... Amelia...." He said

"Yes Mason" I looked back at him

"Tomorrow is Sunday so I was wondering if you would come to the bar with me? Not like a date or anything, as friends" he asked

"Um....uhh, O-okay. I've never been to the bar"

"Really!? So you've never drunk!?" He asked

"Yeah" he said

"Oh interesting. See you tomorrow. Bye Amelia" he said

"Bye" I waved and watched as he drove past my home.

Immediately I entered the house, I moved into my room and changed my cloth. I wore a plane milk coloured shirt and blue jeans then combed my hair making it flow straight, after that I went to the living room that was furnished in red coloured sofa where my mom sat.

"Good evening mom" I greeted and sat on the sofa

"Evening. How was the outing!?" My mom said with excitement in her tone

"It was wonderful" I said with a smile recalling when Mason kissed my cheek "by the way mom. Mason is taking me out tomorrow"

"Cool go ahead, anyway be home before 8:00pm.... Oh so it's a date!" My mom screamed

"No! It isn't!" I said

"Yeah, right!" My mom said and headed up the stairs into her room

I took my novel out of the side drawer and laid my back on the sofa as I began to read my book. That is until I fell asleep.

After some minutes I woke up because of the ringing alarm coming from the oven. I quickly got off the sofa and walked into the kitchen, my mom was no where to be seen so I took out the apple pie and placed it on a plate. After that I moved up to my mom's room but she wasn't there, I looked everywhere in the house but she wasn't there so I headed out to the backyard garden and saw her uprooting the bell peppers. Probably to cook up a sauce.

For a moment there I thought she has disappeared like my father did. I told her about the pie and then we both went back into the house. After having dinner I went up to my room and slept.

The next afternoon, I had thirty minutes to get ready because Mason said he would be at my place in just about thirty minutes. At first I wore a black dress until my mom entered my room with three shopping bags in her hands

"Lia. I got these dresses for your date at the shopping mall, hope it fits!" She said dropping them on her bed

"Thanks mom and it's not a date!" I assured her

"Change quickly!" And left the room

I opened the bags and in it was a black  beautiful top and dark grey jeans along a brown hand bag. for the final touch I caught my hair into a curled updo.

"How do I look mom?" I asked moving in the living room and twirling for her to see the complete appearance

"Wonderful darling!" She said

Mason's POV

I drove in my white Lamborghini with some indie records playing in the background.

I drove past the park until I finally arrived at Amelia's home. I honked the horn and waited for some seconds until I saw a beautiful figure approaching me, it was Amelia! I couldn't believe my eyes, 'is this really her?' I thought. I was mesmerized and captivated by her beauty. this wasn't the Amelia I knew when we were in middle school. It would be hard for me to keep my hands off her.

I stared and couldn't look away, it was like I was under a spell of some kind. she looked at me with a little confusion and I snapped out of my daydream and got out of the car and approached her

"hey Amelia!......" I said unsure of what to do. I'm very sure this is the first time I got dumbstruck because of a girl

"Hi Mason" she said brushing her hair a bit to make sure it was in place. It's perfect. She's perfect.

"You looks beautiful!" I said and winked at her, I could see a tiny of red creep to her cheek along with a little smile

I stretched out my hand, held her right hand in mine and walked her towards the car, I opened the door for her like a gentleman and closed it when she was inside. I walked to the other side, entered the car and started the engine.

I drove and I turned on the music

"Do you like this music? It's my favorite" I said

"I don't listen to music a lot" she said

"Wait, wait, you will love it!" I said and played the music, after some seconds she was taping her hand to the rhythm of the music

"It's nice" she said with a smile

"Yeah" I said

After a few more minutes, we arrived at the bar. I walked with Amelia into the bar after I parked my car. When we got in I noticed Amelia getting a little uncomfortable so I took her toward a table and sat with her

"Here" I said handing her a cup champagne, best there is in the bar

"Are you sure I should take this, it won't get me drunk right?" She asked

"No, one cup won't hurt, maybe three will but not one" I told her the honest truth, until I got a phone call, it was my dad "I'll pick this up, please don't go anywhere! This place can be dangerous to pretty girls like you" I winked and left.

"Okay" she said with a smile taking the cup of champagne

Little did I know that something unbelievable is going to happen when I'm done with the phone call, but what?

Hope y'all like it. 💕


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