Chapter 3

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Regina's POV

I never wanted to go with Grace for the summer, but mom made me. It's not like I don't like Grace, it's just she's distant and I don't really talk to her a lot. Her fame has made me the popular one at school and everyone wants to be my friend but j don't like it. Juts because Grace is my sister doesn't mean I'll follow in her footsteps. When people ask "Hey, do you wanna hang out" I'm just like "no thanks" but then they persist. I just hate fake people.
"Miss?" The attendant asks.
"Yes?" I say looking up at her.
"We'll be landing in a few please put your table up" she asks nicely.
"Oh I'm sorry" I say as I pack up books and notebooks and pencils. I love a writing, reading, drawing, and stuff like that.
I get a text from Grace: We are waiting.
Who's we?
Mamrie and Hannah
I close my phone. I've seen Mamrie and Hannah act before and they are not my type of friends. I sigh.

Grace's POV
I was really excited. I haven't seen Regina since last year Thanksgiving.
"Guys I'm really anxious" I say as I hold up a sign that says "Regina Helbig".
"You'll be fine Helbig" says Mamrie.
"There I see her" I say.
"Wow, she reminds me so much of you Grace" says Hannah gasping.
"Really?" I say as I look at her more. Blonde hair, earphones in (only one), gum, laid back attitude, and doesn't give a crap about her appearance. Sweatpants and a shirt with a jacket. Vans like Hannah and a bun in like Mamrie.
"She has a little bit of us in her if you look" I say.
"Wow your being really observant aren't you Helbig" says Hannah.
I roll my eyes. "Regina!" I call out.
She turns and smiles and walk towards us.
"Hey Regina!" I say giving her a hug.
"Hey Grace!" She says back.
"Regina, this is Mamrie and Hannah" I say introducing them.
"Hi I'm Regina" she says as Mamrie and Hannah give her a hug.
"You must be tired, why don't we head on home?" I suggest grabbing her bags.
"Thank you so much."
"No problem."

Regina's POV
They weren't so bad. I think I would actually like my summer.

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