A premonition

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The water shimmered under the light of the pale moon. The silver-blue light exchanged with overwhelming darkness of the deep, unknown ocean. Voices from the deck of the ship travelled through the night, colliding with the tangible silence of the vastness all around. Corinne felt the gentle wind pass through her onyx-black hair and caress her face. The air was cool and it smelt of ozone. The smell of upcoming storm.

Corinne imagined all the creatures that roamed underneath their ship, an entire ecosystem of wonder under the surface. They must have felt the upcoming storm sharper and clearer than she did. If only she could dive and escape with them, into the unknown abyss.

What was it about the abyss? Right, one shouldn't stare at it too long.

"Hey, I've been looking all over for you. Come back to the party!"

Corinne turned around and faced Olivia, the name so accurately given to the olive-skinned, dark-haired beauty that appeared. Her green eyes were foggy and her face flushed, she's been drinking.

"I needed some air." Corinne smiled, trying to hide the mild boredom at the thought of returning to the party.

"We're outside, Cor! Come on, two more nights and we'll be in Fiji, we want to use this ship to the fullest!" Olivia's grin was wide and soaked up in alcohol.

They were on a small cruise ship that travelled across the Pacific Ocean, from California to Sydney. Four of them had last seen each other three years ago when they graduated high school. This was supposed to be a reunion of sorts.

"It's just..." Corinne sighed. She thought this was what she needed, a vacation to the tropical lands and clean shores, it turned out she was wrong. "I have a bad feeling, that's all."

"You always have a bad feeling. Come on, Greg and Andrew are waiting." Olivia pushed, her face a mixture of drunkenness and ecstasy. Corinne could almost feel her molecules drenched in dopamine, spreading through her body.

"I don't feel so good." Corinne tried again, hoping her friend might leave her alone. They've been drinking non stop for ten days. Some even indulged in substances much worse than alcohol. After so much exposure to people, she wanted to be alone.

"You're probably dehydrated, drink some water and you'll be fine." Olivia said, grabbing her friend's hand, even whiter now under the pale moonlight.

Corinne's eyes hurt when she moved away from the dark waters, facing hundreds of ship lights and the sudden burst of music.

"The storm is coming, Olivia, we should probably head inside at some point." Corinne stumbled across the wooden floor, holding onto Olivia's hand. Once she regained her coordination, she managed to breathe normally.

"It won't reach us, it is supposed to be clear and calm all night long." Olivia smiled reassuringly, but Corinne couldn't stop the sense of premonition creeping on her. Together, they walked through the darkest area of the ship as a huge guy stepped in front of them. Corinne recognised him as one of the guys from the ships that have been bugging their group for a few days.

"Olivia, you've been ignoring me." He said and grinned, a bad intention shining behind his dark eyes.

"I said I'm not interested." Olivia murmured and they tried to pass, but his terrifyingly big figure blocked the way. His muscles almost ripped the tight black shirt he had on. Olivia grabbed Corinne by the hand and tried to slowly walk the same way they came from.

"And I said I don't care if you're interested or not. I'll be waiting for you when you're alone." The way he said it sent chills down Corinne's spine and she realised he would never quit unless they showed him there was something to be afraid of.

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