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Liam was laying on the bed refusing to help as Harry was making a start on unpacking. "Liam I'm going to give you till the count of three and if you're not helping be then, then I'll have to use my alpha voice" Harry said unhappily, he didn't like using his alpha voice but he would if he had to. "Try it, doubt it'll work" Liam said stubbornly, he has never had anyone use there alpha voice on him, so truth is he didn't know if it would work. He doubted it though. "1.. 2.. Liam I'm warning you...3..." Harry said, Liam let out a chuckle but it was immediately cut short when Harry's scent strengthened and a low rumble escaped his chest, "Liam Payne you will help unpack now!" Harry all but growled using his alpha voice. Liam's eyes widened in fear. He didn't know what was happening, his whole body was itching to do what Harry said. He let out a whimper before wordlessly going to assist packing. He put all his clothes away and put any items in his bedside cabinet. Sitting his teddy on the bed with a blush. "Harry, why is there clothes in here already, they look too big for me, about your size" Liam said in a confused tone. "Oh yeh they are mine, this is a shared room. All dorms only have one room as it's expected that the alpha and omega share a bed" Harry said as if it was nothing, "HELL NO. I don't even know you and I'm expected to sleep in the same bed as you" Liam yelled, "don't yell Liam, it's no big deal. Ig just means we can be there for you even during the night" Harry soothed, Liam was red with anger. He wasn't some baby who needed coddled. "Just leave me alone, I'm going to watch a film" Liam said, "ok, but tonight we are spending time together" Harry stated, "um no thanks" "it wasn't an offer" Harry said before walking out. Liam would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy being surrounded by the alphas scent coming off his bed. It was oddly comforting and Liam didn't know why. He hurried his face in the pillow and it smelt of vanilla and cinnamon and musk, it smelt of Harry. That's when Liam noticed Harry standing at the door with a dopey smile on his face, "what" Liam snapped blushing. "I brought you some juice" Harry beamed. "Um, thanks I guess" Liam said still blushing. It was about 19:00 when Liam's movie ended and he emerged out of the room with sleep hair. "Hello Liam, I'm ordering pizza, is that okay" Harry asked, "Um yeh sure, just cheese for me" Liam said still confused as to why the scent had this affect of him. "Okay, is IT okay for tonight, I haven't seen it yet and I wanted to for ages" Harry said, Liam so desperately wanted to say no but he didn't wanna seem weak. "Yeh ITs fine". That's how Liam found himself in bed next to Harry with IT on the tv on the wall in front of them. Liam was terrified but he'd never show it. Harry could smell Liam's scent strengthening, when omegas were scared there scent strengthened so the alpha could find them and assist them. It was an evolutionary process. At one scene Liam couldn't help but whimper in utter fear. Harry subtly reached his hand over Liam and pulled him closer and Liam being so scared, didn't complain. Liam rested his head on Harry's shoulder and subconsciously found himself sniffing Harry's neck where his bondmark is, this is where his scent was strongest. Liam kept sniffing and eventually found his mind becoming cloudy. Like he was floating but he didn't know why. Harry did though, Harry knew Liam was about to drop, "hey Li stay with my love cmon" Harry coaxed Liam out of dropping. Liam however was exhausted from being on the verge of dropping. In his tired state he forgot about hating Harry. And instead just cuddled closer and slept. Leaving Harry confused.

That's how they woke up. Harry laying down with Liam on top of him like a koala. Liam woke up first, he was warm, and comfortable. Next thing he noticed was that his mattress has a heartbeat and was breathing and smelled an awful lot like... HARRY. Liam erupted, he jerked back and nearly fell off the bed. He ran in the bathroom and locked the door leaving Harry groaning and waking up. "Huh? What in the" Harry was cut short by his own memories of last night. How Liam cuddled him. It was strange yet oh so sweet. He doubted it would happen again though.

"I'm going out" Liam said, quickly pulling on some clothes. "Where" Harry tried to ask but was cut off "none of your fucking business".

"Liam Payne" a voice boomed through the glass door. "Hello sir" Liam spoke, "how can I help you Liam" the headmaster asked encouragingly. "Well if it isn't too much trouble, I would like to switch alphas" Liam said trying his best to sound cheerful. "Liam that's a very serious topic, we run tests and simulations to make sure you get paired with the right alpha. What makes you want to change" the man said seriously. "Just don't like him that much" Liam mutters. "You know, your mother told me about you, how you don't like authority, and I get it I really do. However, you can't run away from this so why don't you just enjoy it. Having an alpha isn't all that bad. In fact, if you and your Alpha pop along to room 17Y at 16:00 there is a special class on for bonding. I promise you, you'll benefit from it" the man said reassuringly. "Fine" Liam groaned, pouting.

Liam walked along the seemingly endless corridors somewhat tingly. He was angry he had to stay with Harry. But also kind of happy he got to go back and see him. Wait no, he couldn't think like that. He walked in the apartment and closed the door quietly, "hello?" He said loudly, no answer. He heard a moan coming from the bedroom and then it hit him. The sweet scent of alpha, he then realised. Harry was wanking. On there bed. Where he would lie later. Liam was getting unexplainably hard and he didn't like it. And... no! It couldn't be. He felt slick running out his hole and down his thighs.

Harry thought Liam was out so he decided to let out his sexual frustration with a wank. He started slowly pumping his cock. Feeling precum ooz out the top. He run a thumb over his head and started pumping faster, letting the occasional moan slip. He smelt something sweet, making him even more horny. He smelt an omega, he smelt Liam. He quickly pulled his trousers up, an obvious bulge in them and ran out the room to greet Liam. "um hey Liam, was just sleeping" he lied, "hmm sure. We're going to some bonding class in 17Y later" Liam demanded. "Sure" Harry beamed at the thought of spending time with him.

Heyyyy. Hope u like it. Be prepared for fluff next chapter.



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