The continuous motion of brushing his teeth was dulled as he took in Matsukawa's finer details; the way his stern face looked refined and perfect, the way his tanner skin seemed to glow in the dim sunset, the way his curly hair took on a golden hue as the ringlets faced the light and the deep inkiness of his eyes-

A cold dribble slipped down his chin and he looked down, cursing after he realised he got toothpaste on his shirt.

Oh well, might as well take a shower while I'm at it.

After shamelessly admitting to himself that he drooled over a picture of his crush, Hanamaki rinsed his mouth and tugged his shirt off, followed by his sweatpants.

Tohoku was going under a little slumber party and currently its habitants were hypnotised into it's sleeping trance; for the umpteenth time that day, the pink-haired boy yawned as he turned on the shower, letting the cool water run down to a warm temperature.

Hanamaki's crush for Mattsun - or Matsuwaka, more formally - developed at the first year of highschool, when they all went for volleyball selections as club members.

The first time his eyes caught Matsuwaka Issei-

Well, it didn't go as romantic as he thought it would. Or dreamy.

He listlessly blew bubbles out of his mouth as he recalled.

"Matsukawa Issei, class 1-B , Middle Blocker. Nice to meet you." The dark-haired male had given a little bow after his flat introduction.

And everyone followed suit. Hanamaki walked up.

"Hanamaki Takahiro, 1-B, Outside hitter. Pleased to meet you."

Why did I say "pleased"? Now I sound pretentious.

As he walked back to his seat he spied the ravenette out of the corner of his eye.

Matsukawa wasn't the most gorgeous person - certainly didn't reach Oikawa's category. But he was regal. Matsukawa was charming and his personality was what peaked out as well as his elegant features which were enough to swoon a girl by the following week.

Hanamaki only found himself growing restless every time his teammate was in the presence of someone who obviously liked him, talking and smiling and laughing.

It made him feel weird.

His impulse to dye his light-brown hair a bright pink tackled him in the second year - most people figured that he craved for a change, and maybe even for a little attention.

To become the "highlight in people's drab lives" as Oikawa had put it.

But it was all because he'd heard the dark-haired male say something along the lines of pink hair being cool.

And so he turned in school the next week, a shock of bubblegum pink on his head and a little piercing for jokes' sake - the teachers weren't impressed at first, obviously. But he had his reasons.

And when Matsukawa saw him, Hanamaki wasn't expecting him to laugh.

It wasn't a cold and mocking one; it was a genuine one, one filled with happiness and a little hysteria.

For months he'd tried to rid his mind of the episode of Matsukawa laughing - the way his eyes crinkled at the sides and twinkled, the way he brought the back of his hand up because of embarrassment and his deep voice sounding sweeter than honey any day when he laughed.

And the way he looked at him.

Oh, Hanamaki thought, this man will be the absolute death of him.

the sad one yesyes pls read - mattsumakkiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin