"Words cannot express just how much I appreciate what you did for Fred," Hermione said letting him know with her tone just how much she meant it. "I wish there was some way to repay you."

"I am forever in your debt Hermione," said Draco. "There will never be anything to repay."


Hermione had no idea where they were and was just as confused as to why she could feel the warmth of a sun on her face and the soft cushion of sand beneath her feet as she was at Draco's words.

Nothing to repay? she scoffed inwardly.

"But how can that be?" she asked, her voice oddly calm. "When I am the one who owe's you my life?"

How many times would she have to convince him that what he had done meant something to her? How could she fully express that she was more grateful for Draco having saved Fred's life than she was about almost anything else he had done for her.

She wanted to open her eyes so that she could look at him for real, look into his eyes and make him see. 

Why couldn't he understand just how much it meant to her to have someone back whom she loved so much? Fred was like a brother to her. He and George were the big brothers she had always wanted and never had.

"You don't owe me anything," he scoffed.

"Yes, I do," she protested.

"No you don't" he said and she could feel him shaking his head against the palm of her hand.

"Please Draco let me feel like I have a little say in my world. Give me the power to say thank you somehow." 

She felt so powerless. She needed to feel like she was being heard.

"You just did. Your smile, your reaction to seeing him, your joy was payment enough."

"Since when does Draco Malfoy deal in smiles and joy?" she asked.

"Since you came into my life and changed everything."

She felt him stiffen and knew that the words had clearly slipped out unintentionally, her hand slipped away from his cheek and he caught it mid-air not letting go. His touch was gentle but firm.

"I didn't mean to change everything," said Hermione softly. "I know my being here puts you in a difficult place."

"That's not what I meant," said Draco and she could feel the struggle in him as surely as she could feel his fingers flex against hers.

 "You changed things..." she head him swallow quietly as if fighting his own words as he said: "For the better."

Pin prickles climbed up Hermione's arms and she shivered feeling slightly nauseous and she couldn't figure out why. 

Even though the wind around them was warm, she suddenly felt cold. The kind of cold that you feel when you know you are about to get in trouble. The kind of nauseous you feel when you have done something wrong.

His words made her nervous.

They shouldn't, she told herself.

They did.

"But...how?" she managed.

"You've made me stronger. Made me better, made me want to be better," he answered and she knew he was being honest because there was no one else around to hear them.

Hermione shuddered.

"I'm sorry," he said in a short clipped tone. "I shouldn't have said anything."

Left Behind 2: Illusions (A Dramione Romance)Where stories live. Discover now