9. Hogsmeade With a Hufflepuff

Start from the beginning

"Look at him!" Ron dangled a lump of grey fur in front of Hermione; Scabbers. "He's skin and bone! You keep that cat away from him!"

"What's going on?" You asked Fred quietly.

"Crookshanks tried to eat Scabbers again." He told you, bored. It was old news.

"He doesn't understand it's wrong!" Hermione's voice shook. "All cats chase rats, Ron!"

Ron shook his head in disbelief, eyes narrowed on Crookshanks. "There's something funny about that animal."

It was Hermione with the disbelieving look now. "Oh, what rubbish." She huffed. "Crookshanks could smell him, Ron, how else d'you think -"

"That cat's got it in for Scabbers!" Ron cut her off.

Hermione's lips moved wordlessly for a moment before she turned a pointed gaze on Harry. Ron followed, both clearly wanting him to be on their side to prove the other wrong. Harry, looking weary, said nothing for a moment. Then, he broke under their harsh gazes.

"Well, Hermione, I've caught Crookshanks trying to sneak up into the boys dorms -"

"Okay, side with Ron, I knew you would!" Hermione cried. She looked betrayed, offended.

"I'm not siding with anyone!" Harry replied defensively.

It was Ron's turn to look helplessly offended. "Harry!"

"Can the two of you not go five minutes without arguing?" Harry snapped annoyedly, having reached his wits end. "I am sick of it."

People decided that now was time to mind their business. Students looked away and whispered to their friends. You glanced down at the table awkwardly, feeling like you had been listening for too long. Ron, after mumbling something about breakfast, stuffed Scabbers in his pocket and started towards the portrait hall, all the way glaring at Hermione who followed after him.

Harry didn't move, sinking further into the armchair. It was clear he wanted to be left alone, but you didn't think you could walk away and leave him sulking in the common room. So, you left the table, approaching where he sat.

"You okay, Harry?" You questioned hesitantly.

"Brilliant." He mumbled back.

"Excited for Hogsmeade? To get out of school for a bit and explore?" You asked optimistically.

"I suppose." Harry said heavily, leaving you under the impression you had said the wrong thing. He closed his textbook, sliding it into his bag and standing up. "Ron and Hermione will have to tell me once they've found out."

"What d'you mean?" You asked.

"I can't go." Harry told you. "The Dursleys didn't sign my permission form."

"Who needs a permission form?" Fred asked, appearing on your right.

George was now on your left. "We know every secret passage out of the castle."

"No." You said sharply, shutting down their suggestion. Normally, you'd encourage it, but under Harry's current safety circumstances, it was a bad idea. You sighed, giving the boy a sympathetic smile. "Harry, I'm sure you'll be able to go next time. They're bound to catch Black soon. He's been sighted once already."

It was an attempt to lift his spirits, but it hadn't worked. You understood where his frustrations were coming from; during all the meals for the past week, third year students talked happily about Hogsmeade and all the things they were going to do once they got there.

"There's always the feast." George pointed out in an effort to cheer Harry up as well. "You know, the Halloween feast, in the evening."

Clearly, neither attempt had made the boy feel better. "Yeah." Harry said gloomily. "Great."

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