
915 19 0

Letter = letter
Thoughts = Thoughts
Text = text


Thousand and thousands of years ago. There was a man who was dearly in love with his wife so much that he would do anything for her as she loved him just the same. They live together happily for many, many years but then one day his wife fell deathly ill. The man was heartbroken. He couldn't live without his love so of desperation he made a pact with a demon. During a blood moon, the pact would allow his wife to come back from the dead.

However, that pact required the sacrifice of a living creature to which the man chose a wolf. The god of wolves found out. Furious with the man action, the wolf god cured man to forever walk the earth as not a human, but part man and part wolf.

When he returned to his village he was swooned and people rejected the beast he has become. He was banished to the depths of the woods where he would stay for years. He grew lonely and wandered back to the village. It was there he realized his curse was not that he was a hideous monster but that he was cursed to turn other humans into half human half wolves.

Driven by this loneliness he transformed the entire village into werewolves. This was the first pack of werewolves ever to roam the earth and he was their leader. A monster driven and by loneliness. The other werewolves feared him and his power and that is the story of the first werewolf.

They call his bloodline











But there a told of a an story told by the wolves and the legend of the guardian.

Long ago there lived a wolf pack of wolves in the mountains. The pack was strong and powerful with its numbers but one cold winter season was especially hard. The wolves were dying left until there were only 2 left.

An mother and her pup.

The mother worried about her pup, begs for the wolf god to help.

 The wolf god said "No. This is nature and if the time comes, the time comes."

The mother looks at her weak pup with sadness as she walks away. For she loves her pup with all her heart and will do anything for her. So the mother went to the moon goddess and asked for help. The moon goddess knows the pain for losing a child. She help out the mother and her pup.

But soon the wolf god found out what the mother had done. Furious that the mother didn't let nature take it course. He cured the baby pup forever to walk the earth, not wolf or man. The pack kicks out the baby but the mother still loves her baby. She took care of her werewolf pup and gave her love and care.

Once the moon goddess found out what happened and saw that the mother's love goes a lot deeper than a curse. On a  blue moon night she gave two gifts to the baby pup. 

One is to never to be lonely and two to forever have the power to guard the ones she loves.

They call her bloodline













Yet those are just fairytale they tell there kids. 

But some story are true.

Guardian ((Aaron x reader))Where stories live. Discover now