"What did you do" you cried despite your best efforts to hold it in. "WHAT DID YOU DO"

"Poes little girlfriend. That scavenger girl..." he watched for your reaction. "You're jealous of her" he laughed. "She tried to stop me. She failed. And so did the traitor." He reached for your face holding your chin tightly so you couldn't look away. He watched as tears poured down your face and pooled on his hand.

"You killed them..." you closed your eyes trying to stop crying.

"Look at me!" He snapped and your eyes widened to meet his. "They're fine. For now... but if they cross me again you can bet they won't be." He let go of you and walked to the back room he had stormed into before. He came back out holding something behind his back. "Pick a hand" he laughed.

You sat silently. You wouldn't play his game.

"Alright fine. Well start with this one first." He pulled his left hand out from behind him revealing Poes flight helmet. You felt the pain in your stomach again. "Your pilot is here. He does not have the same fortune your friends did."

You swallowed hard. "Why".

He watched you. Dove into your mind digging for all the memories of you and Poe. Seeing the time you spent together on Cielo. The embraces you shared.

"That's why little dove. I told you" he dropped the helmet to the floor and let it roll to your feet. You saw faint blood splatter on the side of it and the tears you were trying to push back continued on fiercely. "I'll make you mine. Only mine. Let go of the Pilot".

"He will always win over you. While the darkness is in you Poe is 1000 times better of a man then Kylo Ren could ever dream to be" you spat his name at him.

"He's not winning now" he laughed still holding something behind his back in his right hand.

"Tell me. Tell me what you did to him" you pleaded.

"He's alive. Barely. But he's alive" he stalked closer to you now and kicked Poes helmet away. He pushed himself between your thighs again and despite your brains thoughts of hate you felt the warmth build between your legs.

You wanted him. And you couldn't stop it.

"Time for what's in the other hand" he moved his right hand from behind his back revealing a dark mask similar to the one he wore. It looked melted and damaged. "Hold it"

"What is this?" You snarled.

"Hold it!" He grabbed both your hands and held them on top of the mask.

Dark tentacles took over your mind like a 100 armed octopus was swallowing you whole. It pulled you into a sea of black and red. The rage, anger, darkness overtook you as you fell into its depths. Images of dark times played out for you. Countless murders and never ending flames. You knew who's helmet this was. You couldn't help the feeling of being all powerful as the darkness seeped into you. "That's right little dove. Bask in the power." He hummed into your ear as the pain took over.

Holding onto what light you had left you pushed it to the surface as hard as you could your entire body shaking to the core. Every hair on your body stood tall as the electricity of the light pushed through the power of the darkness.

"Don't fight it!" He yelled. "It's calling to you. Listen!"

You continued to push. You knew he wouldn't win. Not this time. Not ever. You let the power of the light take over you as you pictured the image of floating over the island.

Suddenly a wave of light boomed out of every inch of you throwing Kylo and the helmet across the quarters and in the wall. You opened your eyes and threw the force at the helmet watching it shatter into a billion pieces.

Take my Hand (A KYLO REN X READER)Where stories live. Discover now