I heard the whistle suddenly blow, "Hey!" I flinched, "What are you doing?" The coach yelled.

"Me? Hehe, I'm just passing, bye-bye." I tried to scurry away like a little mouse, buuut. . .

"Hold up! Come back!" The scary coach demands.

I got all the attention as I went in, it's stinky, yet I still forced a smile.

"What's your name?"

"Olivia, coach."

"Well, Olivia, wanna play?" The coach asked.

"No, thanks. Thanks for the offer though."

"Then why are you peaking out from my gym door?"

I looked around, they're challenging me, aren't they?

"Fine! I'll play!" As I answered, the boys were oooing and laughing around, I'll show them what I got, "Let's see who gets the last laugh."

Once again, the boys were oooing and laughing, some of them even whistled, "Okay, Olivia, you go to team A, the ones that have shirts on. Blake!" A guy comes over, "This is Blake, the captain." The coach pats me on the arm like I'm a guy, "Have fun, don't break your bones."

I've played before, okay?

We went to positions, Blake's order, I keep on shouting, "Over here! I'm open!" But I was easily not chosen because I was a girl.

Danial had the ball, he was getting locked in, so I shouted his name.

Suddenly the ball was actually passed to me, I caught it and immediately shoot it into the basketball hoop.

Half of the boys groaned while the other half cheered, Danial ran to me and gave me a high five, "Nice job!" And other boys did too.

Did they just compliment me?

"Get ready, we're rollin' fast!" The coach claps.

As the game goes by, I got to have the ball and shoot a couple rounds, the A group kept winning.

We finally stopped at last round, I was pretty exhausted.

I fell to my knees by the cause of pain, and I was as well trying to catch my breath.

"That's some interview." I looked up, it was Nathan, with Riley and his two other friends.

"Oh, yeah, I uh, was just trying out basketball experience."

"Stop lying, she's played a lot of sports since she was young, and basketball was one of them. She just stopped at tennis." Riley reveals my truth, then looks confused, "Wait, what interview?"

"She told me she was having an interview with Danial, for school article." Nathan spilled out what I told him.

"With me?" Danial asks.

I mentally facepalmed myself, everything is going all downhill!

I stood up, hoping that an idea would hit me.

And it did.

"Well, um, haha, you see, my friend likes Danial, she keeps begging me to get information out of him since she saw him go at the table I was at earlier, since I found out that you practice here, I thought 'why not do it now? For my friend?' And I ended up playing basketball with him and 18 other boys, isn't that funny, or what?" I laughed, then it died down since no one wanted to laugh with me, "Sorry."

My Swimmer 2 (BxB) {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now