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~3rd Person P.O.V.~

In a little room, sat a e/c eyed girl. She was sitting on a bed, crying. Why was she crying? She was crying, because her boyfriend, Minho, was sent up. He was sent up to the glade. To the maze. Which meant, he doesn't remember her.

Her two best friends, Teresa and Thomas, both comforted her as much as they could. But, she would still cry. If she wasn't crying, she would be sulking, and not saying a word. She knew, that she wasn't gonna see Minho, ever again. And if she did, he wouldn't remember her, anyway.

Most days, she wouldn't leave her room, but she had to. So, if she left her room, she'd be watching her boyfriend on the cameras. Watching him run through the maze, look at the maps, trying to find a way out of there.

It had been a year, since he was sent up. And the h/c girl, still wasn't really over it. Everyday, she'd work, but she'd also watch Minho. Every time she did, she'd get a lot of stares. Especially, from her mother.

Ava Paige.

But, the doctors, or anyone who would stare at her, instead of telling her to go back to work with Thomas and Teresa, they knew better, than to just leave her alone. Considering, who her mother is. The h/c girl, worked for her mother. Along, with Teresa and Thomas.

Sometimes, she didn't like it, considering a lot of her friends, were being sent up to a place, where they can't remember anything, and they could die. But, she followed her mother, and she trusted her, no matter what.

Right now, the e/c eyed girl was working, looking at the computer screens, that showed some of the gladers from the mazes. Both, Thomas and Teresa, sat across from the girl, glancing at her, once in a while. They continued working, till the girl felt a hand on her shoulder, making her look up, and see her mother staring down at her.

"Hello sweetheart." She greeted her daughter.

The girl smiled at her mother, "Hi, mother." She mumbled.

The older woman, smiled back at the teenager, before speaking again, "It's time." She whispered, her tone getting all serious.

The teen looked at her with wide eyes.

It was time already?

She glanced at Teresa and Thomas, who were watching the mother and daughter talk, before looking back at her mother, nodding her head with a small smile. Her mother smiled back, wrapping her arm around her daughters shoulders, while leading her out of the room.

They walked down the halls, taking a couple turns, till they made it to the room. It was time.

Time for what?

She was going to be sent up. In the glade. In the maze. She was going to be reunited with Minho. But, he still doesn't remember her. And she won't remember him.

She won't remember her mother.

And her best friends.

Nor, Minho.

Her mother snapped her out of her thoughts. The girl sat down on a little bed, another doctor coming up, ready to put a needle in her, to make her pass out. Her mother was holding her hand the whole time.

"I love you, Y/n." She whispered to the girl.

The girl, now known as Y/n, smiled at the older woman, "I love you too, mom." She whispered back.

She smiled at Y/n, before leaning down close to her ear, "And remember Y/n, Wicked Is Good." Then, she felt a little sting on her neck,

And that was the last thing she heard, before all she saw darkness.

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