The guards thought for a while then nodded. In a second Abhedya grabbed his 'gold'.

When Abhedya touched Swarnima he felt a divine power. He looked into her eyes but they were closed because of extreme exhaustion.

"Sona," Abhedya whispered in her ear and Swarnima fainted. Probably she lost hope she would ever hear that name again.

Abhedya panicked. He patted her cheeks and asked for water.

"You think we will provide water and food for our prisoner? Just give us the money first." Only Dushyant could hire such evil men.

"Please arrange water. I beg you, please." Abhedya cried for help but the guard didn't budge.
"Fine! Maan transfer the money to the account number I sent you, NOW!" Abhedya was angry and helpless. Money was one thing the royals and Swarnbhoomi had in abundance.

The phone of the guards beeped indicating the transfer and one of the guards left to get water. When he returned Abhedya sprinkled some and forced Swarnima to drink some. She sipped slowly and took a breath of relief. Abhedya smiled between tears.

"Abhey, Nim needs medical help ASAP." Maan prompted from the other end.

"Look, I stayed true to my words. Your other demands will be attended to as soon as I leave. The house in Dubai cannot be arranged from here. And, I ain't leaving my wife." Abhedya declared with finality.

"Hahaha! The king can do anything at a snap of fingers. Ask your man on the other side." The guard showed no mercy.

"As you wish! Don't tell me I didn't warn you." Abhedya had an evil glint in his eyes which the guards failed to decipher. He took out a hidden knife from his pants and the guards were cut accurately from places that could do maximum harm. They were still alive but could not fight, for sure. He confiscated their guns and threw them at a far end.

"A... Ab..." Abhedya reached to Swarnima who merely whispered the first syllable of his name.

"I am here Sona. Let's go." Abhedya picked up his wife like a dainty flower and marched out. The wounded guards kept warning and threatening him but when has the king bow before any cruel being?

"Maan! I have Sona. Maan, I have Sona! I found her. We found her." Abhedya was overwhelmed and so was Maan.

"Jai Bhawani!" Maan shouted from the other end and Abhedya repeated after him.

"I need force and medical aid quickly Maan." Abhedya stopped after reaching the top of the stairs. He was coughing because of climbing fast. He sat there with Swarnima still in his lap. He kissed her forehead to believe she was with him and safe.

He took out an energy bar from his pocket and unwrapped it. He was thankful to Maan who suggested he take it in case Swarnima felt low on energy. He was experienced being a father twice.

"Sona, here eat this. I got your favourite energy bar." Abhedya tried to wake up Swarnima who was feeling weak.

He touched her lips and retrieved his hand immediately. The current that followed with the touch was more than 1000watts and Abhedya felt like a lovesick teenager who touched his crush for the first time. He pushed the bar inside her mouth and when the chocolate hit her taste buds she took a small bite and a smile graced her face. Abhedya was unwrapping the chocolate as Swarnima was taking bites in a hazed state.

"What the hell guys?! I am fighting all the guards and you two are romancing over a bar of chocolate?" Arya wanted to scold them, tease them but his tone faltered the expressions he wished to convey. He hugged his friends tightly and tears left his eyes.

Scrapbook- Memorabilia of the Magical First LoveWhere stories live. Discover now