Chapter 11:I Need You Here

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(Authors POV)

The Survey Corps went back defeated to there base. Hate speech and mad villagers shouts at them while there heading back at there base.

Soldiers being injured, dead bodys theyre carrying. Familys that crys when they know they lost there love ones.

Y/n was on a carriage laying down with a bandage on her head looking at the sky.

"Look they are back" Y/n heard the 2 kids who cheered for them when they left the walls few days ago for the mission, she quietly listens to the 2 kids whos cheering even tho they failed the mission.

"I told you lil sis the survey corps are indestructible" Says the little boy to her sister.

"Yeah they are so cool and brave" shouted the little girl.

Y/n feels her eyes are heating and a few tears are starting to fall down her cheeks.

"When i grow up i want to be a soldier like them and fight the titans" The little boy said her little sister agreed with him.

"Yeah!!!! You guys are so cool!!!" The siblings shouted and keeps cheering.

Oh if only they knew what happened behind the blank faces walking by and heading to the head quarters...

Y/n crys silently, thinking about what happened to the Levi squad and her other comrades who died in the mission.

She closes her eyes and crys even more while covering her hand on her mouth.

Erwin by her side riding his horse with a blank face, he looks at Y/n on the carriage beside him. He was surprised a bit seeing Y/n crying and he sighs and look infront.

He closes his eyes and said to his self.

Im so sorry Y/n, you dont deserve to witnessed this kind of pain that every day we feel... Erwin said to his self and puts his attention right infront

*3 Hours Later*

Y/n was sitting on the bed on the HQ she is starring at the HQ window thingking and remembering all of what happened on the fight.

"Y/NNNNNN!.."Petra screamed for Y/n help but she just stood there watching.

The female titan suddenly kicks Petra on a tree that made Y/n wake up from not moving she suddenly screamed.

"PETRAAAAAAAA! " Y/n scream but it was to late petra died without her doing anything.

She saw all of the Levi squad died but she didn't even did anything to save them.

She promised to her self that she will change the future on the manga even they already watch how they died but she certainly failed.

Y/n felts tears falling to her cheeks after the flashback, she wipes her face stopping herself for crying. But tears are keep falling down her cheeks she failed again and she puts her hands on her mouth as she closes her eyes and crys.

Even tho im here in the fictional world i can still feel the pain. But the pain hurts worst...

She cried and blaming herself for being stupid. For not doing anything to change the future.

While crying silently she immediately heard the door open. She immediately wipes her tears away and calms herself and stayed relax.

She looked at the person who opens the door and she smiled widely.

"Hi Commander Erwin" She said while wearing a fake smile, Erwin smiled at her as well.

"Erwin.." The commander correct her to call him by his name because the two of them were alone.

Y/n nods and looks at the window with a sad expression, Erwin felt Y/n's atmosphere is gloomy. He smiled a bit and sits on the chair next to Y/n's bed.

The two of them where quiet and Y/n decides to break the silence.

"Im Sorry" Y/n said and she felt tears are falling down her cheeks as she sniffles and controls herself to talk straight at the Commander.

Erwin glance at Y/n but her eyes are still looking at the window crying silently.

"Because of me, they died without me doing anything. Im so stupid" Y/n said and crys she doesnt care if Erwin hears her crying. She just cant stop herself for crying. "its all my damn fault im so stupid".

Erwins sighs and moves his chair a bit at Y/n's, he gently helds Y/n's hands and rubs it. He uses his other hand and gently held Y/n face to make her face him.

Y/n face him with teary eyes on her face. Erwin smiled at her and wipes her tears.

"its not your fault, no ones fault. So dont blame yourself Y/n" Erwin said looking straight at her eyes. Holding her right hand. And gently rubs her face.

Y/n closes her eyes and holds Erwin's hand on her face as tears falling down her cheeks.

"I wish i had the guts to save them" She said while crying Erwin rubs her face once again and.

"Y/n look at me" Y/n slowly lifter up her head to meet Erwin's Blue ocean eyes.

"I know it hurts to lose someone, and i know that you and the Levi squad became close since you've gotten here" Erwin smiles at Y/n and continues to talk while squeezes her hand slowly

"but always think that Petra and the other Levi squad is in a happy place right now, and they would cheer for you. All you needed to do is give them justice" Erwin said. Y/n smiled at Erwin.

" I will avenge them" Y/n said while looking at Erwin.

Erwin holds Y/n's hand a little tighter and he breathes and looks her in the eye.

"Y/n?" Y/n looked at Erwin and gave him a questioning look at him. Erwin chuckles.

"Can you promise me one thing?." Y/n was a little bit confuse and she nods Erwin smiled at her.

"Please promise me that you wont do that thing you did earlier, i almost lost you" Erwin said calmly Y/n looked down as tears begans to fall again.

"Im sorry" She said while sniffling, Erwin sighs and touches her soft hair slowly and gently.

"I dont want to lose you, im afraid to lose you* Erwin said, Y/n suddenly looked deep at Erwin's eyes.

She smiled at him...

" Im afraid to lose you too.." Y/n said. Erwin chuckles again.

" I need you here by my side, can you do that for me?."Erwin questioned her. She slightly nod and have him a sweet and beautiful smile.

" I promise" Y/n said, Erwin gave Y/n a hug as if Y/n hugs bag, the twi if them shared a loving and warm hug.

Y/n closes her eyes while smiling hugging the man that she loves.

I promise i will stay by your side no matter what....

I love you Erwin....

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