Chapter 10:Stay Beside Me

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All of us were silent entering the forest, i ordered Hange Levi and Mike and the rest of the Cadet's to Display the Weapons and the Traps if we have a chance to caught 2 abnormal Titans.

"Erwin" I look at Hange and i just raise my eyebrows at her.

"What?" I saw her giggled.

"Did you saw how Y/n killed the titans earlier, she was so cool even tho its just her first kill!" she said i smiled, yeah she was cool she was like an expert using the gear.

"Yeah, its like she killed a titan before" I queitly said, i looked at Y/n getting of her horse wearing a smile. Shes beautiful im not gonna lie.

"Who are you looking at Erwin" I gasped and remain calm, it was only Mike i breath deep and lookes at him.

"Im just looking at Cadet Y/n" I said Mike gave me a smirk.

"You like her dont you?" I sigh and pat his back.

"Not because im looking at her, doesnt mean i like her" Telling him a lie, yes i sort of having romantic feelings towards Y/n but i dont want my feelings to develop this much.

"Ohhh okay" He said, i gave him a peak and began to ask him.

"Do you like Y/n?"I felt Mike gave me a look and turns his head at front.

" I like the way she is so energetic and brave, but i like her only as a friend" I quickly looked at Mike and smiled thank goodness he doesnt have romantic feelings towards her.

"Good" I replied Mike looked at me.

"Why are you asking by the way?" I saw Mike is concern i answered him.

"Nothing" I said and walk away from him, I saw Y/n and Hange are discussing something i heard Y/n and it felt so good hearing her laugh.

I sigh and quietly walk towards them. Hange saw me and she was about to talk but i raise my finger towards my lips telling her to keep quiet, while im at Y/n back.

"Hange do you think this explosive can open a Titan's neck?" Y/n ask, Hange looked at me and looked back to Y/n.

"I dont think if this will work, but if we saw a titan near by. Lets test those babys at them"Hange said, Y/n stood up lets say Y/n is small and i can see the top of her head, She suddenly walk backwards and a rock trip her and she was lossing her balance.

Y/n was about to fall down the solid ground but i immediately catch her, i was holding her back while our eyes met.

"Commander Erwin" She immediately stood straight and i slowly let her go.

I saw her blushing, i chuckled and pat her head.

"That was Close im glad i catched you" I said i saw her smile and gave me a thank you.

"Oya, Y/n so can you explain to me how the fuck did you kill thise titans even tho its your first try!?" Hange ask, Y/n scratch her head before answering while me standing right infront of them.

"Maybe its just my luck" She said while smiling, i like the way she smile its so beautiful the smike that i need to protect.....


I smiled while looking at Hange and blushed because Erwin catch me avoiding me from falling.

I use my gear climbing up the tree to loom if theres a titan that coming here at our location.

My eyes suddenly wides about seeing the figure of the titan.

The Female Titan....

"EVERYBODY THERES A TITAN HEADING HERE!!!!!!!" I scream and climb down giving the others a warning, Erwin suddenly gave us a command that we need to prepare ourselves about the Female titan arriving.

"HANGE PREPARE THE TRAPS MIKE TELL US IF HOW LONG DOES IT TAKES TILL THE FEMALE TITAN WILL ENTER HERE IN THE FOREST, LEVI TELL YOUR SQUAD TO PREPARE ABOUT THE ATTACK" Erwin command them, i suddenly shiver about hearing the Levi Squad that will take care of the female titan.

"Yes Sir" I heard Petra agree, all of them. Use there ODM Gear to go towards the Female Titan.

No i wont let them...

I immediately followed them, i heard Erwin and Mike called my name but i didnt bother to look back.

Ill turn the future upside down....

I saw them attacking the Female Titan,
Petra and the others where about to approch and attack the Female Titan i scream at them.

"DONT!!!!!!!!!!!!" I shouted, i saw Petra was running away the others were smash by the female titan. I cant feel my legs all i can do was watch all of them dying......

"PETRAAAAAA NOOOOOOO!!!!" I heard Eren shout, Petra was screaming. It was to late the Female Titan step on Petra.

I didnt have the chance to change the future.......

I saw Eren running in his Titan form while me running towards The Female Titan.

"YOU FUCKING TRAITOR I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU"I shouted while pointing my blades at her, i was about to attack her nape but crystal suddenly form on her nape.

Eren was fighting her kicking her throwing her punching her. But he still lost the fight.

I saw The female Titan ate eren and ran away, i didnt hesistate i ran to the female titan.

But then she slap me, i saw myself slowly falling down the ground. I can feel blood running down my head.

I think im gonna die here in my dream.

I felt my eyes are heavy and i was about to close it but i felt myself lifting up by someone.....

I held my head up to see who is the person that is carrying me.

"I told you not to proceed because it is to dangerous, damn it Y/n i almost lost you!"I saw a blonde haired man wuth thicx eyebrows angrily staring at me whike carrying me.

I smiled at him while tears are falling down my cheeks.

" I didnt save them, i watched them die. I watch Eren being taken away. Its all my fault" I said while sobbing.

Erwin sigh and looks at front, i loom at him while the two of us are flying using his odm gear.

He looked at me again and gabe me a little smile.

"I dont want to lose you, so just please Always Stay Beside Me" I heard him, i smiled.

"I promise i will"I response and the next time i notice i passed out.

He want me to stay beside him....

I wish i can do that forever......

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