Radiant Garden

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(No Unversed Symbol)

Angel walked out of the portal and it disappeared. She looked around, "where am I?" She then went right. Right was always the answer.

She made her way through a huge garden. She also had to destroy Unversed. She finally got to a huge broken metal door. "Huh?" She soon entered and stopped near the edge.

She watched Terra, Aqua, and Ventus finish off the huge Unversed and talk. Her ears perked when Terra got weird with the comment about Vanitas. She watched them leave and so she decided to follow Aqua, since she was the most sad.

It was a way she didn't take. She made sure to stay close behind. She didn't want to lose her.

She soon stopped and watched her interact with Merlin. She blinked then watched her go inside. When Aqua came out and went on her way, she went inside.

"Ah. The last one is here. The book is right over there, my dear." She nodded then went to the book. She opened it and light came out. She shielded her eyes then it went away. She blinked then closed the book. "Thanks..." "It was nothing, my dear." She left then made her way back to where she started.

She saw Aqua and Vanitas. She ran over to Aqua and summoned her Keyblade. "Angel? What are you doing here? How did you--" "No time to explain." "Alright." "Vanitas... you just don't know when to beat it, huh?" "You know him?" "Yep." "Can you put up a decent fight yet? Or Ventus?" "He has. I saw him take down a huge Unversed. I have dealt with the small fry, so maybe." "I'll be the judge of that."

Vanitas summoned his Keyblade and that made Aqua do the same. They fought and the girls took down Vanitas.

Aqua panted and Angel made her way over to him. "Let's take a peak." She knelt down and gently touched his mask. He laughed, which made her back up. He got up and stared at them. "Not bad at all. You did better with her than with Ventus. Congratulations. I'll keep her around. Never hurts to have a back up." He went into the darkness.

She ran off. "Angel!" She kept running.

She soon stopped and leaned against a wall. "What does he want...?" "He want what Xehanort wants." She looked over, seeing Vanitas, but the red was white. "Who are--" "I'm... you can call me, Vanitas. I don't know how to differ from that dark version of me." "Dark version?" She looked confused. "When you fought him with Ventus, you made some light flocker inside his heart. Xehanort got rid of that light... not realizing that it made me." "So... you're the light that Ven and I made inside him..."

"I don't know how or why." She started to think. "How about we give you a name? Like something close to Vanitas... Van or Vani?" "You may call either one you wish." She smiled and nodded. "Vani it is then." "If you wish." She summoned her Keyblade then made a portal. "Let's go, Vani." She took his hand and dragged him inside.

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