Bellatrix smiled brightly at me, causing me to melt somewhat while watching her.

"How are you able to cook so well without magic," Lucius finally said.

I shrug my shoulders, knowing i had to cook my own meals without any help. They would not understand since they all grew up in privilege. "It is just a simple breakfast anyone could make it if they try."

Narcissa's eyes, however, flickered, and she began to place on a small smile.

"Bellatrix doesn't know how to make such a simple dish. She even caused a plain pot of water to burn."

I turn to Bellatrix who faces was slightly blushing from Narcissa's comment. A small smile went on my face as I thought about Bellatrix over a stove trying to cook.

"What are you talking about, Cissy. Are you sure you are not talking about yourself," she pouted. Her rosy cheeks go out as she crossed her arms. It was clear she wanted not to be embarrassed, but her actions always caused me to become even more attracted to her.

Was it possible to love a person any more than I already do?

"Will we be going to see the sights," I asked as I waved my wand over the dirty pots to begin cleaning.

Narcissa's eyes grew wider, " That would be so lovely. I would love to what the muggles call the empire state building."

Bellatrix, however, tsked at the word muggle. "Muggles and their stupid named for their buildings. They call it an empire, yet they oftentimes forget empires are so easy to crumble." A small glint inside Bellatrix's eyes gleamed. It was as if she had thought about destroying empires before.

"Would you want me to destroy it for you since it bothers you so much," I ask plainly as I put the other ingredients away?

Bellatrix's eyes popped up. Everyone else looked at me crazily; however, I was dead serious.

If she were to ask me to destroy the whole city, I would. Was it wrong that I really didn't care that everyone else would get hurt? I would be happy enough if she smiled at me afterward.

Bellatrix smiled, "You would do that for me."

Her wickedness behind her smile was the most loveliest thing i had ever seen. The spiraling emotions of chaos and enjoyment tangled up in between were pure ecstasy.

Was it wrong that I would be willing to do this for her?

Lucius and Severus' eyes widened, afraid of what I was going to say. They never knew the extent I was willing to go for her and only her.

And with a simple smile, I knew shivers were sent down their spine. Since afterward, they had always become cautious around me.

With the smile and with all the honesty I had, I said, "Your wish is my command."


As we strolled around the city, our group slowly began to separate. Narcissa and Lucius decided not to go to the empire state building but instead went to some sort of wizarding bar that was nearby. Apparently, it was filled with many high brow people and very exclusive, but Lucius always found a way to get in somehow.

Severus had decided to go to a book shop nearby to collect some rather interesting books. I wanted to go check out some books as well, but this was the time for Bellatrix and I to spend some time alone.

Of course, I had packed a wonderful late-night dinner we would eat at a special place I had discovered in a book earlier that morning.

Well, Lucius told me about the place he was planning on taking Narcissa tomorrow, but he wouldn't mind me stealing his spot.

Is It Okay To Love The Villainess (Bellatrix x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now