Chapter - 2

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Dad was gone to the headquarters of ' E.A.R.T.H' leaving me alone at the hotel. I wondered what will happen now, the remainings will attack us again or our forces will avenge us. I wondered why the war happened in the first place.

Suddenly, the screen wall started beeping, I commanded it to turn on the T.V. The beep was a notification for announcement or news. 

"Hello, Castalians ", a deep manly voice echoed through the T.V  in my room. It was Major Bernard Kalra the vice-president of ' E.A.R.T.H '. He was my friend's dad. " As we all know ", he continued "that the remainings have done the most vicious crime by ruining our food resources, but I feel pity for them as they are so low beings. But my dear listeners; the attack has lead our fate to a darker phase, we would need to start the plan SPORE ." He paused as if he was looking at the millions of people listening to him.

I took in a big gulp of air, as I hadn't breathed from the last minute or so. I sensed something big was going to happen; Mr Bernard had a serious expression. 

"As most people know that the war started 300 years back when a country called china spread a deadly virus, they had invented the virus and had the vaccine but they let the people die. They wanted to have monetary benefits by spreading the fear of the virus. When the other countries got the truth, the wild war broke out. But our great leader Sir Hopen Castala predicted the whole thing he started building this dorm ". The major took a sip of water after finishing.

I remember the name Hopen Castala, after all, he was the founder of our country the CASTALIA.  

"Hundreds of supporters of Sir Hoppen wanted peace over war, so they joined hands and our country Castalia was born, 150 years ago, in the year 2170, it was just 3 months before the nuclear winters started ", said Mr Bernard. 

Yeah, Nuclear Winters; it is the result of big nuclear wars as the nuclear bomb blasts, huge clouds of chemicals are formed. And they tend to stay there in the sky; by staying there I mean for decades. These clouds block all the sunlight and there starts the drop in temperature. God bless this country, the outer covering on our country which we call the 'dome' protects us from the outer freezing temperature. After the wild war, the people who survived but were still restless for peace are called the 'remainings'. They live in bunkers underground. This, my father, told me. 

"My dear fellow citizens, Mr Hopen had something more on his mind; That's why he created the E.A.R.T.H, " the major said taking a long breath ." The E.AR.T.H or Educational AND Research institute To find Home. He created the organization to find planets that can support life, but we never did focus on this idea as we had an ample amount of resources and other problems. But we don't have that many resources and have much bigger problems. So; the council of E.A.R.T.H had decided to prepare a series of test for children between the age of 8 to 10. This test will bring the brightest of minds forward. They will be trained to the fullest of human limit, trained like no one else before. They will be sent on different expeditions ." Mr. major said these words, sending a chill through my spine. " And at last ", he continued, " We may not have focused on Hopen's idea but our team at E.A.R.T.H has done so, and one more thing " he took a deep breath, " Children you are our last hope, you are the last hope for humanity ". The screen went blank as the Major finished.

I sat in silence as time passed. I felt different. The excitement was pulsing through my veins.

"Remus ", I heard a familiar voice outside my room. It was my friend Nyx. Nyx Kalra. 

                                                                End of chapter 2 

a note for readers - plz do tell me how was this chapter, and do me a favour by sharing this story.

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