Coming Soon! :)

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Coming soon! Here is some character descriptions

Barbara - 35 years old, 5'10", blonde. Barbara is a naturally very successful and popular person. As a mother, she is very carefree and laid back with her daughter. She is usually wrapped up in her work and does not have much time for her daughter Victoria.  She is a single mother, so she wanted to provide the best for her daughter by always giving her the means to do whatever she wanted, but never was there for her, as her idea of that was by making sure she was funded to do whatever she wanted.

Victoria - 17 years old, 4'8", brunette. A senior in high school, Tori cannot wait to finish her last year and go far away from her mother for college. Due to not being very close to her mother, she never really had much self-esteem and has no friends she hangs out with after school. Other than her looks, Tori is total opposite of her mother; very serious, not popular in the least, and has to work hard for everything in her life.

The only time these two ever really talk is during arguments (which kicks off our story, I will get into that). They don't hate each other, they just do not understand each other due to how little time they spend together.

Oh, did I mention they are wizards? While Barbara hasn't casted a spell in almost 2 decades, Tori dedicates most of her free time at home to perfecting some more basic abilities.  Ultimately, there won't be too much of a focus on the wizarding-side of this story, although it will have an influence.

I appreciate your patience. Please check back soon!

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