Into the Woods

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I lie my head over on Hisoka's shoulder, "There's somewhere I'd like to go."

The magician tilts his head on me, "Where would that be?"


"There?" the crimson haired male seems to question for a moment but then sighs. "Oh.. there."

I nod my head against him.

"Then let's go," Hisoka interlocks our fingers and stands up.

I follow, standing on my now shaking legs. I'm really worked up. What he said.. it has me very concerned.

If someone has contracted- no.. I won't accept it. I won't even let it be considered.

I can't let go of the only thing that keeps me alive. I can't, I can't, I can't!

My thoughts must be visible because Hisoka interrupts my thinking, "Stop stressing, love, everything is fine."


No it's not.

Stop lying.

We keep walking down the sidewalk in unison, and we don't stop until we meet a forest.

The trail starts to end and I feel my worries start to fall away. "Ok."

I untie my hair, it seemingly falling in slow motion to my back. I turn around briskly and look at Hisoka.

"One moment, I'll be back."

He nods.

I quickly shed my jacket and take a deep breath. My feet start moving faster than my mind.

The forest embraces me with open arms. Green surrounds me from every direction. The cold brushes harshly against my face as I take off in no particular direction.

My arms chill with goose bumps and I feel myself smile.

This is how I used to get away when I was still trapped at home.


I trap myself within the confines of my own brain too often. I'm free now, I'm allowed to be happy.

My feet slowly start to slow and I come to a stop. Fallen leaves crinkling at my feet.

I hear a quiet growl from behind me, turning around to find a pack slowly closing in.

I pull on three nen needles and slaughter each of them at once.

Then an idea sparks. I use my nen needles to temporarily reanimate these wolves. Commanding them to follow me.

Then I start back up, through and under the branches. My head spins in bliss. Serval pairs of paws sounding behind me and I travel deeper into the woods.


I don't know how long it's been, but the sun has set and the moon's out. I suppose it's been quite a while. That was so freeing, I regret nothing.

"Illumi, Darling?" a voice calls out.

I sprint back to the exit, I had run in a full circle throughout the woods so it wasn't too far.

When I reach Hisoka I smile softly, "Apologizes."

"No need," the magician brushes a hair off his shoulder and then looks into my eyes, "just glad to see you smile."

My face burns once again, "Come on, I'm ready to go home."

The two of us walk hand and hand to our house, and after a while I feel Hisoka's calming aura seeping through our touch.

"Love you," I let my voice filter into the quiet cold air of the night.

He glances to me and says, "I love you more, darling."

His words had no viscous intent, and I didn't take it that way. Rather, I took it as a challenge.

"We'll see," I reply.

Hisoka laughs playfully, "I guess we will."

As soon as we arrive home, I almost collapse into the floor. I must've missed it. I was only gone for a little bit, but I've gained attachment with the memories here. I cannot lose them. I cannot.

"Don't," I turn around suddenly gripping to Hisoka's shirt, "please."

He lifts my chin to look at him, "Don't what, my love." He moves his hands to help support me as my knees lose the will to help me stand.

"Don't ever break my heart," the words come from my mouth, but for some reason I have no recollection of speaking them. My thoughts, my true thoughts, are those them?

For a moment, Hisoka stands in pure shock. "Illu," he looks at me with a face of worry, "I would never, 'cause out of all my cards.. you're my favorite king."

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