Maybe its not to late

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Peridot POV

Dear, diary

It's been a month since I last saw lapis. I don't think I would be able to forgive her for what she did to me. When I woke up at the hospital there was nothing but pain and a 2k hospital bill. Lapis was running around being stupid and reckless so I had no choice but to leave her and start my own life if I was gonna pay this bill and also survive without lapis.

I dropped out of college cause I can't afford it without lapis support, so I got a job at a local grocery store, although I had no way of picking up some of my stuff from college so it's just kinda sitting there. A month in and I got into a argument with this lady named Karen because she thought my rainbow bracelet was "too unprofessional" and demanded me to cut it off.

Of course I told the bitch to go fuck herself but then I got fired for being "political". It was a stupid job anyway. The people sucked and everyone was like 50 years old.

Anyway, I payed off the hospital bill by that time with some savings and the money I earned and also managed to find a small one bedroom apartment. It was deep in the trenches but it's not like I'm not used to that.

My home is my home and I'm proud of myself that I made it this far on my own, I was also able to a buy a rusty vehicle but it works well. I'm complete street smart but have no life skills so this is a win for me.

So I started working in a gas station. It was a busted up place in the middle of nowhere but I pays well and I know how to protect myself.

But then she came in... and reminded me why I have to do all of this. Her smile when she saw me didn't spark joy like it used to, only anger. She just brought back emotions and pain and then expects me to forgive her. I let out all of my emotions because I just couldn't let her simply win again, she needs to learn the hard way, like I did.

It's not like I need her anymore, she hurt me, I left her and that's the end of it. I couldn't even bring myself to love her again. We're different now, I'm different now.

I put my pend down and with a sigh there was a knock at the door. I leaned back on the chair I was sitting in and stretched, probably the land lord or something. I got up and stepped to the door, I was in pajamas and socks. I looked out the peep hole and couldn't believe my eyes.

How could she be here, no one has my address.. I hesitantly grabbed the door handle and twisted it with the slightest movement. The door opened only slightly and a tall, think woman stood before me, garnet.

I was in awe, i have nothing to do with them, I want nothing to do with them, my life is on the right track now. I furrowed my eyebrows and shot her a look so she knows I don't want any bullshit. She only simply started at me.

Clearing my throat I asked, "What do you want". She stroked her cheek and wondered for a moment. "I just wanted to talk.... about lapis" I relaxed my face and attempted to close the door. She stopped it with her foot, "please leave me alone"

She's always been stronger than me, even in the gang I couldn't match her. She opened the door as if She wasn't even trying, "Sorry but I'm not taking no for an answer" she walked in and took a look around. Furious, I closed the door, "How did you know where I live" she chucked, "this is gang territory you know that", this IS gang territory but I didn't think they covered these parts anymore. I thought I was safe. "So let's talk about lapis, she's missing"

Left In confusion, garnet sat down at my table, "she left a few months ago and never came back"


"Yeah" she nodded.

That's probably when she came and was trying to find me. But where did she go? I shook my head "That's not my problem, I'm not her baby sitter, I kicked her out of my life because she was toxic and ignorant and inconsiderate and-" garnet got up and stood over me, towering me, "and a bad person?" She said.

"Y-yeah" she smiled at me, "period you're suck a hypocrite" I stopped back in awe, "What???"

Her smile faded, "If anything you're a worse person than she is, yeah she's ignorant but she had confidence and her loyalty to you and your happiness. She's a good person because she looks out for others, you don't. You ran with a gang who sells poison, drugs and guns, so this world can keep dying. She probably didn't understand that but you do, you were born into it. Did you every think about what lapis did for you? She put your life on track, she put you into school, she loved you and she faced death for you, no she ain't perfect but she's definitely not a bad person" garnet ruffled my hair and walked towards the door, as her hand touched the nob she spoke, "Go get her and bring her back for me, please peridot, she needs you"

With a sigh I grabbed my coat and my keys, "Why does it have to be me". The door shut behind me and I felt the breeze of the summer air on my face. It's hard to admit but with lapis I wouldn't be in the beat up neighborhood.

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