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Athena began to grow weak. The humans never gave her anything to eat or drink, so she soon grew quite malnourished. The people in white coats examined her day and night, and kept injecting her with strange things.

One day, they unstrapped her. But instead of letting her go, a person in a camouflage suit held her down by her neck. "Since you look identical to the myths, we simply can't let you go. You are a powerful creature, and I believe there are many more of you." The person in camouflage whispered in her ear. "I will never lead you to my people, even if it kills me." Athena rasped with a sudden defiance. Suddenly, Athena felt a poke in her side and she felt the darkness surging through her.

When she woke, she found herself in a glass-enclosed cage. She only saw herself on the walls. She realized just how skinny she had been. It had been two weeks since she was last captured, and she lost count how many times they observed her.

She shapeshifted into a lioness, making sure she still had her powers. Although she was weak, the lioness gave her power, and she felt strength ebbing into her body. Next, she shapeshifted into an eagle, and soared through the air, almost feeling free. Finally, she transformed into a Spider Monkey, leaping around like she always used to in the trees when she was only a few months old.

When she shapeshifted back to a human, the person in the camouflage walked through one of the glass walls. "So you are more alike to the myths than I thought. We need to do more testing." He started to rush her. Athena tried to run away, but fell down, too weak to run as a human. Soon the person in camouflage was looming over her, and jabbed something in her side, dragging her out of the room once she was deemed unconscious.

Athena woke again to find herself strapped, once again, into the cold table. Just like the previous instances, the people in white coats entered and prodded at her while she was left to stare at the blank ceiling. One night, she decided she must escape, before she was too weak to even move. She knew that the second she broke out of the chains, the alarms would go off throughout the building, and soon the strange people would be bursting through the doors. Think, Athena, think. What is a fast animal that could quickly get me out of here? A Cheetah! Yes, I'll shapeshift into a lioness to break these chains and doors, then shapeshift into a cheetah to get me out of here! Athena was satisfied she was able to come up with a plan so quickly. 

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