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In a few days, Athena was strong enough to speak and walk. This was the day they decided to make the decision with what the messengers brought. Muera gathered her tribe around her, and beckoned forth the messengers.

"We gather here today because the Mandalorians and the Linonians have agreed to unite against the threat of the humans. The humans will soon cross our territory, and we fear they will overtake us and capture us to do their will." Muera announced to the crowd. Around her, Athena heard the gasps and whispers of the anxious crowd.

"Silence! I have thought long about this day, and now I know what we must do. We must unite. Although I don't love the idea of being so close to a Mandalorian, it is the only way if we are to protect the ancestors." Muera's words were followed by an eerie silence. "Athena, tell your people we agree to unite. Safe travels to you." Athena nodded respectfully to Muera, then made her way to the back of the crowd, where the Linonians were already waiting with the horses.

The way back held a lighter atmosphere. The group had succeeded in uniting the tribes, and they felt more confident about dealing with the humans. As they crossed paths with the snakes, they explained with a signed document that there were no longer any limitations to which tribes could or could not pass.

The group was making good time, galloping along the undergrowth. Suddenly, they heard a loud noise. Athena turned to see Averion, swaying on his legs. "Run! Go get help! Please!" Athena told the Linonians. When they were hesitant, she added, "Don't be hesitant! Go!" They nodded then galloped through the undergrowth as fast as they could.

Athena turned around to see huge humans, rushing towards her. They had ropes in their hands, and one had a big stick protruding from his mouth. "Stay away from me!" Athena screeched. Mandalorian and Muverian tribes may be able to look like humans, but not completely. They both had a red or blue arrowed implant in their foreheads. Athena didn't want to change into an animal, because she knew that would make them want to capture her even more. But the humans noticed her markings.

"She looks just like those mythological creatures from the stories!" One of them pointed a finger at Athena's forehead. Athena charged, kicking out and tripping two of the men, but the other blew a tranquilizer dart out of the strange stick by his mouth. Athena fell limp to the ground. 

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