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As the group reached the camp entrance, Athena was barely breathing. Likan was still carrying her, and she could barely open her eyes. "Hold on, just a little longer." Likan whispered. "Who goes there?" A guard asked the group. "Hello, Kiron. We come in peace, but we have an injured one." Kiron looked over Lira's shoulder to see Athena. He noticed the blue necklace almost immediately. "Why do you bring us a Mandalorian, she deserves to die!" Kiron thundered. "Nonsense. This is a time for the tribes to unite, the humans are nearing." Lira pushed through Kiron into the camp.

Inside the camp, all eyes were on the travelers. "Hello, Lira, Likan, Lilan. Why are you here?" "Hello, Muera. We come in peace. The humans are becoming more and more curious, and we fear they will soon discover the tribes if we stay divided. We have brought a representative from the Mandalorians, but she was bitten by a snake, and is severely injured." Lira explained to Muera, the queen of the Muverians.

"And why should I treat a Mandalorian? They are enemies. They deserve to suffer." Muera replied sourly. "Muera, in these times, Mandalorians are no longer your enemies, they are your allies. If you stay divided, you will fall when the humans come. They are more powerful than you think, and we can't keep them away for much longer." Lira desperately pleaded with Muera. Muera looked thoughtful. She knew the dangers of humans, but she had a grudge against the Mandalorians. "Lira, I do not doubt your wisdom, but is uniting the best option?" Muera asked. "Excuse me, your majesty, but Athena is dying, she can hardly move. Please treat her. She does not deserve to die, she only wants to help." Likan pleaded with Muera.

Muera whipped her head around to stare at Athena. Athena was very weak, and couldn't even open her eyes. Then, Muera finally came to her senses. "That is Mrailia's daughter, Athena, is it not? Although I do not like Mandalorians, I cannot neglect the wisdom of a leader's daughter. Come with me." Muera led them through the crowd of hostile stares of the Muverians to the doctor.

"Hello, Muera. Who do we have here?" The doctor, Baran, asked. "This is Mrailia's daughter, Athena. The Mandalorians and the Linonians plan to unite the three tribes against the threat of the humans. She was bitten by a snake, and she is very weak. Treat her." Muera explained before making her way out of the doctor's ward, with Lira close behind.

Baran took one close look at Athena, then cleared a bed for her. "Lay her here, I will find the cure for venom." Baran told Likan before rushing off to his medical supplies. "Lilan, go with Lira. She will need a warrior. I will stay with Athena." Likan ordered his brother. Lilan nodded then rushed off.

Baran came back with the cure and injected it into Athena's arm. Athena winced, but let Baran treat her. Baran noticed she had a fever, so he filled a jar with cold water and rinsed her body with it. "I can take it from here, Likan. You have done well in protecting her." Baran told Likan. Likan took one last look at Athena, then nodded and walked out towards where Lilan and Lira were talking with Muera and her deputy, Valarin.

Athena slowly began to recover, and could soon move her arms and legs. Baran took careful care of her, and made sure her fever decreased. Whenever an injured or sick Muverian entered the doctor's ward, they always glanced at Athena, marveled that their queen would allow a Mandalorian to be treated as their own. Averion, Athena's horse, stood outside the doctor's ward with each passing minute, worried for his companion. 

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